Friday, September 22, 2006 !

During this time that I haven't posted a single update to this blog... I've been intensely writing new articles for my new website
And yea it's been so exciting and awesome to step up and express my uniqueness in a way I've never done with such clarity
I talk about spirituality, relationships, seduction (the game of no game), self respect and the relationship with the self, being in the present moment, and perspectives on the current state of society
I write articles both in english and spanish... I've uploaded some photos and I'm adding new sections to the site apart from my own creations
You should really come and chek it out! I'm writing +3 articles each week!
David Morales-Canaán
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Martes Culturales - Sambil Maracaibo
Friday, May 12, 2006
What I've Been Up To!
And also: fuck secrecy man!
Very true: One thing is to KNOW the PATH, and another thing is to WALK the PATH
You see, I KNEW what to do, and now that I'm more and more TRUSTING MYSELF, and FOLLOWING MY INTUITIONS... well... what a nice BUS STOP!
So anyways, I'll update this blog more often (It'll help with the writing fluency)... won't help so much with the grammar... since WHO CARES?
Maybe take out some links, add many more...
David Morales-Canaán
God's New Version en RastaBar este 18 de Mayo
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Thx for reading my site
Saturday, March 04, 2006
(review) Juan Pablo Lobos en el Cevaz

Este es el "afiche" promocional:
Acá está el de su página oficial

Hay varias cosas que quiero incluir acá. Voy a comenzar con la entrevista que le hicieron la gente de panorama. Mencionó que es importante que se expresen las distintas expresiones musicales, que el músico que quiera salir adelante que no le tenga miedo a las producciones y a las grabaciones; que un elemento clave es tener contactos con los músicos indicados.
Algo que quiero incluir acá es el 'folleto' donde hay una pequeña bio de él y el repertorio que interpretó.
Voy a ir editando este post. Para comentar rápidamente, llegué 5 minutos antes de la hora indicada, vacío... fui a comprar la entrada ante una muchacha que me estaba ignorando hasta que le dije "HEY que te pasa?" o algo así... 5 minutos pasados las 7pm y ya habiamos +10 personas; pude disfrutar de la conversación con la gente cercana porque teniamos mentalidad en común y además eramos todos guitarristas.
En fin, el auditorio estaba seriamente lleno a eso de las 7.20pm. El concierto comenzó a eso de las +7.30pm.
Ok aquí sería donde incluyo el repertorio de las canciones.
La interpretación de la 2da guitarra de Remczy Márquez me gustó bastante porque se noto que le puso pasión y le gustaba lo que estaba tocando.
Hubo varias canciones que nunca había escuchado.
Al final salió Ramón el cantante de La Sombra 4.0 e interpretaron una canción sobre Sexo y cosas por el estilo... no me acuerdo del nombre. Reviso la página de La Sombra 4.0 y de una lo coloco acá... ajá... se llama "Licencia Para Matar". La página del grupo es
No sé porque siempre pienso que cuando voy a un toque de rock voy a conocer muchas chicas solteras y de mi edad. Y nunca lo hago. Es un ciclo de ilusión y desilusión continua... sniff sniff...
Ok me faltaría transcribir la información del folleto y comentar que en medio de una canción a Juan se le rompió una cuerda de su guitarra. El ritmo de la música se mantuvo y de hecho lo disfruté bastante el bajo y la guitarra rítmica... muy groovy... en fin... luego de probar 2 guitarras, a la tercera fue que la conectó y afinó y siguió el show... comenté que me gustó haber visto ese "verguero" de guitarras... (Risas generales)
1.Intro (Juan Pablo Lobos)
2.The Extremist (Joe Satriani)
3.Rockeando el Café (Juan Pablo Lobos)
Melodía de "Moliendo Café" de Hugo Blanco
4.Crying Machine (Steve Vai)
5.Cristal Planet (Joe Satriani)
6.Improvisación (Juan Pablo Lobos)
7.For the love of God (Steve Vai)
8.Jump (Van Halen)
9.Rosanna (Toto)
10.Sofía (Juan Pablo Lobos)
11.Erotic Nightmares (Steve Vai)
Músicos Invitados:
Carlos Jaramillo / Batería
Remczy Márquez / 2da Guitarra
Angel Mavares / Bajo
Jonathan Patiño / 2da Guitarra
La última canción (penúltima en realidad) Erotic Nightmares fue 'bien'... porque en varias partes de la canción puntearon en sincronismo Jonathan Patiño (quien se encargó de reparar la guitarra a la que se le rompió la cuerda) y Juan Pablo Lobos, sonaba muy estéreo y enbelezado el sonido de la guitarra.
Presentó a su hija para la canción "Sofía" y también presentó a sus padres.
Ok ahora me quedaría por incluir la bio que estaba en el folleto...

My song "Wet Dreams (Newtrack)" on "A View From The Couch" Podcast!
I found this as they made an interview with Stephane Hemon of which was great and can be found for download on the site...
So I said maybe you'd like to play my song. So now they played it on their 30th show...
((Thank You)) Lainee!!
You should've seen me rocking and dancing and crawling on the floor to the song :-p
David eMC
2 Must-Have Firefox Extensions
Just a quick comment here. I've used Gmail Notifier; in fact I sometimes use it and sometimes not. It was like I was too paranoic about new gmail messages. What I do now is I use this address: because it's way faster and it feels way better...
So... The first firefox extension I'm going to talk about is: FlashBlock. FlashBlock "Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them"... what it does is saving you time and hassle when you're viewing a website or searching on some torrent site like and there's a lot of ads in there, including flash ads, which are the most annoying... This extension allows me to see the site results and not be interrupted with some movie previe or some product I don't want to buy or check-out... because that's something else... in my browsing experience, most flash ads have no value to me in terms of what I'm interested in. On the other hands, I've found many advertisings on Google Ads very very useful in my life. Wow, google people make things so simple!
The second extension I'm gonna talk about is "Remove It Permanently (RIP)" which is just great! It's helped me get rid of the annoying adds of and some other sites like and have them never appear again. Some other use is to be able to not read a post from a certain user in a thread.
I think that's it... these tools save my pc memory and processor from being dragged. It makes the browsing experience lighter...
To check firefox web broser go here:
David eMC 'terrelite'
Friday, March 03, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Beyond Imaginable
Monday, February 27, 2006
(linux) Resample Wav Files
So I found this while searching on google "resample wav files linux":
"sox track01.wav -r 44100 track01-new.wav resample"
I just manually changed the track01.wav and track01-new.wav to the actual file names. And whala, it worked. I burned the cd with K3b because xcdroast threw me a very weird msg, and that was that.
Mission Accomplished,
David eMC
Friday, February 17, 2006
the best way to make tough decisions is to forget about them
By Margaret Munro
CanWest News Service
Deciding whether to slap down $40,000 on a new car or $1million for a house should be left to your unconscious, indicates new research that suggests the best way to make tough decisions is to forget about them.
Collect the relevant information, it says, then let the unconscious churn through the options. In the end, it makes for better decisions.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is not always advantageous to engage in thorough conscious deliberation before choosing," say psychologist Ap Dijksterhuis and his colleagues at the University of Amsterdam, who make a strong case in the journal Science today for listening to gut feelings and intuition.
Their work on "unconscious thought theory" taps into the brain's hidden - and many psychologists say unappreciated - ability to juggle and weigh complicated situations and options.
"In short, consciousness should be used to gather information, the unconscious to work on it," says Dijksterhuis.
A similar approach was proposed in Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling book Blink:The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
The new study focuses on consumer choices, but Dijksterhuis and other psychologists say politicians, managers and negotiators would also be well advised to delegate tricky decisions to the unconscious.
"This process of just 'sleeping on it' and 'letting it sit' is not just procrastination, but is a valuable, productive technique that is drawing on cognitive processes that seem to really exist," says psychologist Jonathan Schooler of the University of British Columbia, who has done extensive research in the field.
"At a minimum, people should include this in their tool kit of decision-making."
The Dutch studies suggest simple choices like deciding on shampoo can be safely left to the conscious mind. But complex decisions are best left to the unconcious.
The Indigo's Reality
Excepts from "The Indigo's Reality"
The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, dynamic energy field. As part of this ecosystem, humanity is grow, and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. A new colour-Indigo-has emerged, with ski talents, and physical characteristics significantly different those of the other colors. At this time, most Indigos are still children or young adults. I see Indigo children as a new co invested with new talents and abilities that will be necessary for our evolution. These children have unique characteristics for which we can only guess the purpose.
Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge-how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them to exist in the mainstream of contemporary society. The parents of some of these Indigo children will love and support their differences. Other Indigos will not be:' lucky.
The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore ex experience They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept.
The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. Because they seem to have already grasped what it means to be authentic, they have little tolerance for others who struggle with this issue. Indigos are not without compassion. However, their form of compassion is to give other human beings time and space enough to find their ,Own answers, to come to their own resolutions.
Indigos have a biochemical system that has differing needs and considerations than other aura colors. Acceptance of their more sensitive systems pays rich dividends for parents.
Indigos seem to register emotional, physical, and psychological input at an unusually high frequency, in the same way some audio equipment is designed to pick up sound waves in the upper ranges. Consequently, their systems reach overload more quickly. This means that they tire more easily, can become confused from too much noise or chaos. Like the Crystals, they have extremely sensitive neural systems. Excessive excitement or prolonged stimulation can cause them to withdraw into themselves. Adults misunderstand this behavior as being contrary or difficult, when it is simply the Indigo child attempting to find emotional respite.
As infants, they are alert from the start. The most frequent comment from parents of Indigos is that the baby was awake, wide-eyed, and curious from the moment of birth. These infants do not seem to have the unfocused eyes of a newborn.
Indigos also seem to require less sleep than other infants. They nap infrequently, and even then sleep fitfully. This often Puts a strain on the new mother who expected her baby to sleep for the first three months. Not so for Indigos. Propping them up on a pillow when they are lying on their back seems to allow these infants a more restful sleep. Afternoon naps are Usually heavy and deep, as night sleep is for most of us. These children outgrow their need for naps earlier than others do. If they do nap in the afternoon, they frequently stay awake until all hours of the night. They often awaken from night sleep crying or in an irritable mood, especially if roused too ,abruptly. 'The result is physical pain, fright, and dislocation; it Is as if they have shifted gears too quickly. Gently awakening an Indigo by knocking lightly on the door of the room 0 calling the child's name softly over a period of ten to thirty minutes in the morning is a gift of love they will repay bright, happy dispositions all day.
While they love dairy products like ice cream and cheese, Indigos often have a physical intolerance to cow's milk, causes upper respiratory congestion, coughs, runny 0 and ear infections. Substituting goat's-milk products will them be more comfortable.
Because of their unusually sensitive systems, Indigos need an environment that is more placid and quiet than that required by other children. When subjected to extended periods of strenuous stimulation, their nervous systems become easily overloaded, causing them to become irritable and out of sorts. These children are not spoiled. They simply have different needs. One way to assist them is to play classical music of the baroque period, which provides a stimulus for the side of the brain so that the intuitive side is free to Meditation music by composers such as Steven Halpern, taro, or Vangelis is also helpful. It allows them to feel more at peace with themselves, able to adapt to the shifts and changes in their environment more easily and quickly.
As infants, Indigos develop at a very rapid rate. In manuals dexterity and gross motor coordination they will develop than their peer group during the first two years. As they ponder the problems of manipulation, it is as if the observer is see the step-by-step thinking process of the Indigo. It is fascinating to watch them as they discover, observe, and interact with physical world, sorting and sifting data, making decisions achieving successes far beyond usual expectations. These children are very gifted, but in a new and different way. truly want to understand, not for the sake of enhanced esteem or for the privileges that come to the gifted child, because of their natural inquisitiveness.
In temperament, Indigos incorporate both male and male characteristics simultaneously. As a result, post-pubescent cent Indigos have no attitudes or values about sexual heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. It is all same to them. They go back and forth various forms of sexual expression. They mate soul-to-soul rather than body-to-body. Sexuality is not an expression of masculinity or femininity, but rather the capacity of one human soul to interact with another soul. Sexual expression is a medium of communication so profound that sex for the purpose of physical release only is incomprehensible to an Indigo. They choose their partners carefully, favoring people who intuitively understand the deep spiritual nature of the sexual exchange of energy represented by the sex act. Because an Indigo is renewed spiritually as well as physically by each such experience, they seem to have lower sex drives, finding that fewer but more fulfilling experiences are preferable to many casual experiences.
Currently, Indigos find great satisfaction working with their hands in occupations that require them to pay attention to the process that is, not intellectually demanding. Many of them have become artisans, or even repairmen. They are Intelligent, soft-spoken hardworking and dedicated employees. They take jobs in such industries as construction, plumbing, and electrical contracting, heating, and air-conditioning They do well in jobs that allow them flexibility and freedom-, but incorporate limits and guidelines, such as quality control or building inspection.
For the future, as new needs and situations arise, Indigo will move into leadership positions because they have firsthand knowledge gained from experience in repairing today's technology. They will know what we need in the future based on, what we have in the present.
Spirituality as expressed by an Indigo is an example what it would be like to live without the guilt and fear used by many religions to intimidate and manipulate. Indigos sense the nature of their own divinity, that part of themselves that is a reflection of perfection. Indigos accept their spirituality as a fact of being.
Indigos seem to have been born knowing everything. The seem to come into this existence with all the information other times, other places, intact. It is as if they remember where they have been prior to coming here. This may be 9 result of spiritual evolution, or it may be an innate characteristic of the Indigo color.
Indigos have a unique relationship with the Higher Power. Most 'of us consider the Higher Power to be above us; our' spiritual evolution is a process of reaching and striving to elevate ourselves through knowledge, spiritual practices, and examination of our own inner selves. Indigos seem to have an. inner sense of the Higher Power. To an Indigo, the Higher Power is a daily reality, not a theological concept. God is. Indigos see our striving after spirituality as posturing-much, the way Christ saw the Pharisees.
Indigos find it easy to conform to institutionalized spiritual practices. Even as young children they have a gift for spiritual pursuits such as meditation, and an appreciation of ceremonial accoutrements such as incense, medicine rocks, and smudge,", sticks. They often choose them as playthings. They intuitively' incorporate reverence and honor into their behavior, handling the spiritual objects with love and respect. They respond easily and naturally to prayer and meditation rituals; they seem to love the quiet time as well as the space. Indigos are spiritually eclectic, able to incorporate many spiritual traditions, rituals, and symbol systems simultaneously, taking peace and comfort from each. They are not bound by old traditions, habits, or. belief systems. These children know that there is an order and a pattern to the universe that has little to do with the rules and regulations others make up. They are able to construct a holistic spirituality within themselves, to build an inner temple capable of accommodating many divergent belief systems.
Because Indigos are born knowing everything, they have easy access to the whole spectrum of what is known in the paranormal or psychic world. Because they know-and know that they know-they are less willing than others to filter out or deny these alternate realities. Many of these children sense the technology of the future. To them, our civilization seems as barbaric and superstitious as King Arthur's court appeared to the Connecticut Yankee.
by Barbara Bowers from her book "What Color Is Your Aura? Personality Spectrums For Understanding and Growth". She was a student of Nancy Ann Tappe who wrote "Understanding Your Life Thru Color", and she is the teacher of Pamala Oslie who wrote the more recent book "Life Colors".
Friday, February 10, 2006
My test results: What Kind Of Soul Are You? (from Blogthings)
You Are a Prophet Soul |
![]() You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sexually-frustrated Star Trek and Star Wars fans sue Universal, ask for restraining order
Hollywood - The new movie “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” will hit theaters next week, but across America, real 40-year-old virgins say promotions for the upcoming movie make them very uncomfortable as friends and family members make comparisons to the film and remind them of the fact they’ve never gotten laid. The virgins have filed a class action lawsuit against Universal Pictures seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.
Stuart Brownfield (chat screen name: farscaperules23) is a 40-year-old virgin in Nashua, New Hampshire who filed the original lawsuit. He is hoping that the movie will bomb at the box office. “I work in an office (Office Depot) and someone saw the ad for the movie in the paper,” said Brownfield. “Then, this one guy I can’t stand in shipping turns to me and says, ‘Hey Stuart, this movie sounds like it’s right up your alley.’ Everyone started laughing. I was so devastated I couldn’t even watch the new episode of ‘Battlestar Galactica’ that night.”
Actor Steve Carell plays 40-year-old virgin Andy Stitzer in the movie. Andy’s never had sex. His friends consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three.
“People who have seen the trailer for the movie are now calling me ‘Andy,’” said an emotional Brownfield. “People at the office know that I’ve never gotten laid, but no one really said anything until these movie trailers and posters started appearing. My life has been a nightmare. I haven’t felt this bad since ‘Episode I.’”
“It’s not easy being a virgin, and I really feel for these guys,” said 42-year-old Stan Jennings of Cranston, Rhode Island. Jennings, who works at Industrial Soap Inc., finally lost his virginity last year while having sex with a prostitute who ended up giving him gonorrhea. “I am not a virgin anymore, and it feels great, although I do have some burning. However, being a former virgin, I empathize with those losers, and I think the movie should be stopped.”
Star Trek and Star Wars fans who have been feuding for decades have finally found a common cause in the lawsuit.
“We don’t think it’s funny to make fun of virgins, and we will use all of our powers to stop this film,” said 40year old Larry Nohan, the president of the Star Trek Milwaukee Federation. “This movie is a blatant attempt to humiliate us. Why can’t people just leave us alone with our Uhura porn and stop judging us?”
Lou Peters, a 39-year-old virgin and Star Wars fan from San Diego who lives with his parents, considers himself lucky.
“I’m so glad I’m still 39,” said Peters who wears a Stormtrooper costume on weekends while playing the “Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” videogame online. “One year old older and I would be the laughing stock of my neighborhood.”My Pics from July 2004

These were taken in July 2004 right after I got my haircut... I had LONG HAIR
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Create You Victory Log (by Mike Brescia)
Chapter 19 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'
Create Your Victory Log
Today's Empowering Quote
"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled
success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you.
Achieve! Achieve!"
--Andrew Carnegie
Today's Fast Session
Even though you don't want to live in the past, it can be
an invaluable tool to you.
Throughout our lives, every single one of us have had
times where we did something great, or at least really
good... someone gave us an approving glance, a promotion, a
new client. Perhaps we dated someone hot! Wedding day,
giving birth, scoring a touchdown, winning a medal. You
simply helped someone out that needed it. These events
made you feel good.
A very effective way to put yourself into a great mood any
time you want, especially at times where exceptional
performance is needed NOW is to create...
Your victory log.
A victory log is merely a sheet of paper that you have
nearby any time you need to be reminded of past successes
of ANY kind. By reminding yourself about your successes,
by pulling out that little sheet, you'll often be able to
go on and reach down and grab your greatest performance
ever even from the depths of despair. Often times, you
just need to be able to REMEMBER that you can do it, when
your thinking is really cloudy.
If you get depressed, pull out your Victory Log and you'll
feel a whole lot better. I absolutely guarantee it.
Yes, this is simple. That's why it works.
Do you think that the doers - the real winners in life -
are that much different than you? Mostly, with exceptional
people, they just keep their victories just below their
consciousness, so that magical confidence is right there
when they need it.
So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do this exercise.
Don't put it off. If now isn't good, do it later today.
It's easy. It's fun. And you'll feel great about yourself
when you're done.
And... you'll have it forever.
What a great gift to yourself.
Please take a few minutes and do this!!!! This silly
little sheet of paper can pull you out of the deepest hole
faster than anything you've ever seen.
Here's how. In the areas listed below we want to create a
big list of even the tiniest successes. I often look at my
list when I'm feeling not up to a task. Hey, no one can be
at their best all the time.
Write down just a few words to jog the memory so that when
you look at it, you'll know. Many people type these out
afterwards. Go back to as far as you can remember. Even
kindergarten is fair game.
Learning - tests, quizzes, semester averages, awards,
scholarships, I.Q., diploma. Include all grades and
The opposite sex - dated a "hottie," got the glance in the
mall, had a particularly romantic night/week/month, had 'em
all after you, summer camp, phone call, poems, cards, got
whistled at. Go back as far as you need to.
Sports (even backyard sports) - touchdowns, hits, baskets,
goals, blocks, double plays, great shots. Include board
games and cards, too.
Work - promotions, sales, raises, pats on the back,
contests, trips, saved money for the company, teamwork,
great days, winning, solving a problem, saving a life, got
elected, a finalist for the job, made the big sale, got the
Personal - convinced someone to a new way of thinking,
landscaping, painting, art, cleaning the house, new
clothes, great dinners, children in plays or sports, losing
weight, eliminating a bad habit, building/fixing something,
tuning up the car, new car day, new home, getting a
letter/notification, made dinner, helped a friend.
Social - kept your temper, you were elegant, gave a great
speech, the party was a success.
Health - cholesterol is down, stopped smoking, lost
weight, ran 100 yards/one mile/three miles, climbed the
mountain, changed your diet, walked by the chips in the
store, etc.
Do this for every area of your life. I have one for
kicking a 50 yard field goal. Don't you believe I'll ever
forget it. Not when NFL kickers have missed 30 yarders to
lose games!! But even the small ones like walking by the
potato chips today. That's a victory and shouldn't be
discounted. Because you were strong just then, and deserve
recognition. No one else is likely to do it, so you MUST.
Don't think little things are not important. They're
everything -- everything.
Watch during sporting events, when a player makes a
mistake and the other team scores as a result. Momentum
Because after mistakes they begin focusing on what went
wrong... instantly.
And the team that scored is focused on their scoring.
They're pumped up. Confidence rises.
You need that confidence, too, to do your best every day
and every minute.
So focus on what you've done right, and you'll develop it.
How can you do this?
Your Victory Log... the fastest way in the world to build
your confidence and increase your skills.
What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out
intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of
life. FR~EE details==>
FR~EE email course ==>
I love you all!!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Manual Para Ser Niño por Gabriel García Marquez
Un Manual para ser niñoGabriel García Márquez
Aspiro a que estas reflexiones sean un manual para que los niños se atrevan a defenderse de los adultos en el aprendizaje de las artes y las letras. No tienen una base científica sino emocional o sentimental, si se quiere, y se fundan en una premisa improbable: si a un niño se le pone frente a una serie de juguetes diversos, terminará por quedarse con uno que le guste más. Creo que esa preferencia no es casual, sino que revela en el niño una vocación y una aptitud que tal vez pasarían inadvertidas para sus padres despistados y sus fatigados maestros. Creo que ambas le vienen de nacimiento, y sería importante identificarlas a tiempo y tomarlas en cuenta para ayudarlo a elegir su profesión. Más aún: creo que algunos niños a una cierta edad, y en ciertas condiciones, tienen facultades congénitas que les permiten ver más allá de la realidad admitida por los adultos. Podrían ser residuos de algún poder adivinatorio que el género humano agotó en etapas anteriores, o manifestaciones extraordinarias de la intuición casi clarividente de los artistas durante la soledad del crecimiento, y que desaparecen, como la glándula del timo, cuando ya no son necesarias.
Creo que se nace escritor, pintor o músico. Se nace con la vocación y en muchos casos con las condiciones físicas para la danza y el teatro, y con un talento propicio para el periodismo escrito, entendido como un género literario, y para el cine, entendido como una síntesis de la ficción y la plástica. En ese sentido soy un platónico: aprender es recordar. Esto quiere decir que cuando un niño llega a la escuela primaria puede ir ya predispuesto por la naturaleza para alguno de esos oficios, aunque todavía no lo sepa. Y tal vez no lo sepa nunca, pero su destino puede ser mejor si alguien lo ayuda a descubrirlo. No para forzarlo en ningún sentido, sino para crearle condiciones favorables y alentarlo a gozar sin temores de su juguete preferido. Creo, con una seriedad absoluta, que hacer siempre lo que a uno le gusta, y sólo eso, es la fórmula magistral para una vida larga y feliz.
Para sustentar esa alegre suposición no tengo más fundamento que la experiencia difícil y empecinada de haber aprendido el oficio de escritor contra un medio adverso, y no sólo al margen de la educación formal sino contra ella, pero a partir de dos condiciones sin alternativas: una aptitud bien definida y una vocación arrasadora. Nada me complacería más si esa aventura solitaria pudiera tener alguna utilidad no sólo para el aprendizaje de este oficio de las letras, sino para el de todos los oficios de las artes.
La vocación sin don y el don sin vocación
Georges Bernanos, escritor católico francés, dijo: "Toda vocación es un llamado". El Diccionario de Autoridades, que fue el primero de la Real Academia en 1726, la definió como "la inspiración con que Dios llama a algún estado de perfección". Era, desde luego, una generalización a partir de las vocaciones religiosas. La aptitud, según el mismo diccionario, es "la habilidad y facilidad y modo para hacer alguna cosa". Dos siglos y medio después, el Diccionario de la Real Academia conserva estas definiciones con retoques mínimos. Lo que no dice es que una vocación inequívoca y asumida a fondo llega a ser insaciable y eterna, y resistente a toda fuerza contraria: la única disposición del espíritu capaz de derrotar al amor.
Las aptitudes vienen a menudo acompañadas de sus atributos físicos. Si se les canta la misma nota musical a varios niños, unos la repetirán exacta, otros no. Los maestros de música dicen que los primeros tienen lo que se llama el oído primario, importante para ser músicos. Antonio Sarasate, a los cuatro años, dio con su violín de juguete una nota que su padre, gran virtuoso, no lograba dar con el suyo. Siempre existirá el riesgo, sin embargo, de que los adultos destruyan tales virtudes porque no les parecen primordiales, y terminen por encasillar a sus hijos en la realidad amurallada en que los padres los encasillaron a ellos. El rigor de muchos padres con los hijos artistas suele ser el mismo con que tratan a los hijos homosexuales.
Las aptitudes y las vocaciones no siempre vienen juntas. De ahí el desastre de cantantes de voces sublimes que no llegan a ninguna parte por falta de juicio, o de pintores que sacrifican toda una vida a una profesión errada, o de escritores prolíficos que no tienen nada que decir. Sólo cuando las dos se juntan hay posibilidades de que algo suceda, pero no por arte de magia: todavía falta la disciplina, el estudio, la técnica, y un poder de superación para toda la vida.
Para los narradores hay una prueba que no falla. Si se le pide a un grupo de personas de cualquier edad que cuenten una película, los resultados serán reveladores. Unos darán sus impresiones emocionales, políticas, o filosóficas, pero no sabrán contar la historia completa y en orden. Otros contarán el argumento, tan detallado como recuerden, con la seguridad de que será suficiente para transmitir la emoción del original. Los primeros podrán tener un porvenir brillante en cualquier materia, divina o humana, pero no serán narradores. A los segundos les falta todavía mucho para serlo base cultural, técnica, estilo propio, rigor mental pero pueden llegar a serlo. Es decir: hay quienes saben contar un cuento desde que empiezan a hablar, y hay quienes no sabrán nunca. En los niños es una prueba que merece tomarse en serio.
Las ventajas de no obedecer a los padres
La encuesta adelantada para estas reflexiones ha demostrado que en Colombia no existen sistemas establecidos de captación precoz de aptitudes y vocaciones tempranas, como punto de partida para una carrera artística desde la cuna hasta la tumba. Los padres no están preparados para la grave responsabilidad de identificarlas a tiempo, y en cambio sí lo están para contrariarlas. Los menos drásticos les proponen a los hijos estudiar una carrera segura, y conservar el arte para entretenerse en las horas libres. Por fortuna para la humanidad, los niños les hacen poco caso a los padres en materia grave, y menos en lo que tiene que ver con el futuro.
Por eso los que tienen vocaciones escondidas asumen actitudes engañosas para salirse con la suya. Hay los que no rinden en la escuela porque no les gusta lo que estudian, y sin embargo podrían descollar en lo que les gusta si alguien los ayudara. Pero también puede darse que obtengan buenas calificaciones, no porque les guste la escuela, sino para que sus padres y sus maestros no los obliguen a abandonar el juguete favorito que llevan escondido en el corazón. También es cierto el drama de los que tienen que sentarse en el piano durante los recreos, sin aptitudes ni vocación, sólo por imposición de sus padres. Un buen maestro de música, escandalizado con la impiedad del método, dijo que el piano hay que tenerlo en la casa, pero no para que los niños lo estudien a la fuerza, sino para que jueguen con él.
Los padres quisiéramos siempre que nuestros hijos fueran mejores que nosotros, aunque no siempre sabemos cómo. Ni los hijos de familias de artistas están a salvo de esa incertidumbre. En unos casos, porque los padres quieren que sean artistas como ellos, y los niños tienen una vocación distinta. En otros, porque a los padres les fue mal en las artes, y quieren preservar de una suerte igual aun a los hijos cuya vocación indudable son las artes. No es menor el riesgo de los niños de familias ajenas a las artes, cuyos padres quisieran empezar una estirpe que sea lo que ellos no pudieron. En el extremo opuesto no faltan los niños contrariados que aprenden el instrumento a escondidas, y cuando los padres los descubren ya son estrellas de una orquesta de autodidactas.
Maestros y alumnos concuerdan contra los métodos académicos, pero no tienen un criterio común sobre cual puede ser mejor. La mayoría rechazaron los métodos vigentes, por su carácter rígido y su escasa atención a la creatividad, y prefieren ser empíricos e independientes. Otros consideran que su destino no dependió tanto de lo que aprendieron en la escuela como de la astucia y la tozudez con que burlaron los obstáculos de padres y maestros. En general, la lucha por la supervivencia y la falta de estímulos han forzado a la mayoría a hacerse solos y a la brava.
Los criterios sobre la disciplina son divergentes. Unos no admiten sino la completa libertad, y otros tratan incluso de sacralizar el empirismo absoluto. Quienes hablan de la no disciplina reconocen su utilidad, pero piensan que nace espontánea como fruto de una necesidad interna, y por tanto no hay que forzarla. Otros echan de menos la formación humanística y los fundamentos teóricos de su arte. Otros dicen que sobra la teoría. La mayoría, al cabo de años de esfuerzos, se sublevan contra el desprestigio y las penurias de los artistas en una sociedad que niega el caracter profesional de las artes.
No obstante, las voces más duras de la encuesta fueron contra la escuela, como un espacio donde la pobreza de espíritu corta las alas, y es un escollo para aprender cualquier cosa. Y en especial para las artes. Piensan que ha habido un despilfarro de talentos por la repetición infinita y sin alteraciones de los dogmas académicos, mientras que los mejor dotados sólo pudieron ser grandes y creadores cuando no tuvieron que volver a las aulas. "Se educa de espaldas al arte", han dicho al unísono maestros y alumnos. A estos les complace sentir que se hicieron solos. Los maestros lo resienten, pero admiten que también ellos lo dirían. Tal vez lo más justo sea decir que todos tienen razón. Pues tanto los maestros como los alumnos, y en última instancia la sociedad entera, son víctimas de un sistema de enseñanza que está muy lejos de la realidad del país.
De modo que antes de pensar en la enseñanza artística, hay que definir lo más pronto posible una política cultural que no hemos tenido nunca. Que obedezca a una concepción moderna de lo que es la cultura, para qué sirve, cuanto cuesta, para quién es, y que se tome en cuenta que la educación artística no es un fin en sí misma, sino un medio para la preservación y fomento de las culturas regionales, cuya circulación natural es de la periferia hacia el centro y de abajo hacia arriba.
No es lo mismo la enseñanza artística que la educación artística. Esta es una función social, y así como se enseñan las matematicas o las ciencias, debe enseñarse desde la escuela primaria el aprecio y el goce de las artes y las letras. La enseñanza artística, en cambio, es una carrera especializada para estudiantes con aptitudes y vocaciones específicas, cuyo objetivo es formar artistas y maestros como profesionales del arte.
No hay que esperar a que las vocaciones lleguen: Hay que salir a buscarlas. Están en todas partes, más puras cuanto más olvidadas. Son ellas las que sustentan la vida eterna de la música callejera, la pintura primitiva de brocha y sapolín en los palacios municipales, la poesma en carne viva de las cantinas, el torrente incontenible de la cultura popular que es el padre y la madre de todas las artes.
¿Con qué se comen las letras?
Los colombianos, desde siempre, nos hemos visto como un país de letrados. Tal vez a eso se deba que los programas del bachillerato hagan más énfasis en la literatura que en las otras artes. Pero aparte de la memorización cronológica de autores y de obras, a los alumnos no les cultivan el hábito de la lectura, sino que los obligan a leer y a hacer sinopsis escritas de los libros programados. Por todas partes me encuentro con profesionales escaldados por los libros que les obligaron a leer en el colegio con el mismo placer con que se tomaban el aceite de ricino. Para las sinopsis, por desgracia, no tuvieron problemas, porque en los periódicos encontraron anuncios como este: "Cambio sinopsis de El Quijote por sinopsis de La Odisea ". Así es: en Colombia hay un mercado tan próspero y un tráfico tan intenso de resúmenes fotostáticos, que los escritores armamos mejor negocio no escribiendo los libros originales sino escribiendo de una vez las sinopsis para bachilleres. Es este método de enseñanza, y no tanto la televisión y los malos libros, lo que está acabando con el hábito de lectura. Estoy de acuerdo en que un buen curso de literatura sólo puede ser una gema para lectores. Pero es imposible que los niños lean una novela, escriban la sinopsis y preparen una exposición reflexiva para el martes siguiente. Sería ideal que un niño dedicara parte de su fin de semana a leer un libro hasta donde pueda y hasta donde le guste que es la única condición para leer un libro pero es criminal, para él mismo y para el libro, que lo lea a la fuerza en sus horas de juego y con la angustia de las otras tareas.
Haría falta como falta todavía para todas las artes una franja especial en el bachillerato con clases de literatura que sólo pretendan ser gumas inteligentes de lectura y reflexión para formar buenos lectores. Porque formar escritores es otro cantar. Nadie enseña a escribir, salvo los buenos libros, leídos con la aptitud y la vocación alertas. La experiencia de trabajo es lo poco que un escritor consagrado puede transmitir a los aprendices si éstos tienen todavía un mínimo de humildad para creer que alguien puede saber más que ellos. Para eso no haría falta una universidad, sino talleres prácticos y participativos, donde escritores artesanos discutan con los alumnos la carpintería del oficio: cómo se les ocurrieron sus argumentos, cómo imaginaron sus personajes, cómo resolvieron sus problemas técnicos de estructura, de estilo, de tono, que es lo único concreto que a veces puede sacarse en limpio del gran misterio de la creación. El mismo sistema de talleres está ya probado para algunos géneros del periodismo, el cine y la televisión, y en particular para reportajes y guiones. Y sin examenes ni diplomas ni nada. Que la vida decida quién sirve y quién no sirve, como de todos modos ocurre.
Lo que debe plantearse para Colombia, sin embargo, no es sólo un cambio de forma y de fondo en las escuelas de arte, sino que la educación artística se imparta dentro de un sistema autónomo, que dependa de un organismo propio de la cultura y no del ministerio de la educación. Que no esté centralizado, sino al contrario, que sea el coordinador del desarrollo cultural desde las distintas regiones del país, pues cada una de ellas tiene su personalidad cultural, su historia, sus tradiciones, su lenguaje, sus expresiones artísticas propias. Que empiece por educarnos a padres y maestros en la apreciación precoz de las inclinaciones de los niños, y los prepare para una escuela que preserve su curiosidad y su creatividad naturales. Todo esto, desde luego, sin muchas ilusiones. De todos modos, por arte de las artes, los que han de ser ya lo son. Aun si no lo sabrán nunca.
>Mis comentarios: Rápidamente lo primero que se me viene a la mente es que hace un tiempo (buen tiempo) leí 100 años de soledad, coronel no tiene quien le escriba, 12 cuentos peregrinos, cronica de una muerte anunciada, y otros de sus libros. Estoy por leer 'El Olor de la Guayaba', el cual es una entrevista con el Gabo sobre sus libros.
¿Por qué ahora? Porque siento que ahora es un tiempo de RECAPITULACIÓN. Es tiempo de ir hacia atrás y recoger todo lo bueno que hubo, mantenerlo ACÁ en el presente y SEGUIR ADELANTE. Es tiempo tambien de recolectar todas esas técnicas, consejos, tips, entendimientos, y usarlos juntos y FUSIONADOS para máximos resultados.
Una de las ideas en es la de leer las biografías de gente que ha sido exitosa, además de gente exitosa en lo que deseas ser exitoso. Tomo la biografía del Gabo como una corriente que me puede llevar a una mejor auto-identidad. También me parece interesante la idea de leer biografías de los artistas MUSICALES que me gustan; hoy ví un libro escrito sobre EMINEM y su vida... también estoy curioso por leer la biografía de SIMÓN BOLIVAR...
Leer el Gabo me solía conectar bastante y sumergir en el momento de la lectura y además de los lugares a donde me enviaba la lectura de sus libros.
Sabes, hubo alguna gente (1) que realmente irrespetaba mi leer libros; si sospechas que una persona o varias no te permiten ser tu máximo ser, hazte un favor y deséchalas.
... ahora con respecto al artículo del Premio Nóbel Gabriel García Marquez, debo decir que me identifico muchísimo con los temas que aborda... una de las razones por la que coloco esto en mi blog... es para poder re-leerlo una y otra vez. Uno debe llenar esa vocación interna... al menos sería bueno, yo voy hacia ese lugar.
Acá viene más y más material de calidad,,, sólo el comienzo...
Monday, December 26, 2005
(Linux) MSN WebCam Support Ready!
It's been long since the previous version of 'Alvaro's Messenger'... now all you linux users get ready to enjoy your pc even more.
I just tested it like half an hour and since I don't have any webcam I can't let others see me.
For audio-chat, we'll keep using skype =)
Friday, December 16, 2005
Cerrando puertas por Paulo Coelho
Siempre es preciso saber cuándo se acaba una etapa de la vida. Si insistes en permanecer en ella más allá del tiempo necesario, pierdes la alegría y el sentido del resto. Cerrando círculos, o cerrando puertas, o cerrando capítulos, como quieras llamarlo. Lo importante es poder cerrarlos, y dejar ir momentos de la vida que se van clausurando.
¿Terminó tu trabajo?, ¿Se acabó tu relación?, ¿Ya no vives más en esa casa?, ¿Debes irte de viaje?, ¿La relación se acabó? Puedes pasarte mucho tiempo de tu presente "revolcándote" en los por qués, en devolver el cassette y tratar de entender por qué sucedió tal o cual hecho. El desgaste va a ser infinito, porque en la vida, tú, yo, tu amigo, tus hijos, tus hermanos, todos y todas estamos encaminados hacia ir cerrando capítulos, ir dando vuelta a la hoja, a terminar con etapas, o con momentos de la vida y seguir adelante.
No podemos estar en el presente añorando el pasado. Ni siquiera preguntándonos porqué. Lo que sucedió, sucedió, y hay que soltarlo, hay que desprenderse. No podemos ser niños eternos, ni adolescentes tardíos, ni empleados de empresas inexistentes, ni tener vínculos con quien no quiere estar vinculado a nosotros. ¡Los hechos pasan y hay que dejarlos ir! Por eso, a veces es tan importante destruir recuerdos, regalar presentes, cambiar de casa, romper papeles, tirar documentos, y vender o regalar libros.
Los cambios externos pueden simbolizar procesos interiores de superación. Dejar ir, soltar, desprenderse. En la vida nadie juega con las cartas marcadas, y hay que aprender a perder y a ganar. Hay que dejar ir, hay que dar vuelta a la hoja, hay que vivir sólo lo que tenemos en el presente.
El pasado ya pasó. No esperes que te lo devuelvan, no esperes que te reconozcan, no esperes que alguna vez se den cuenta de quién eres tú. Suelta el resentimiento. El prender "tu televisor personal" para darle y darle al asunto, lo único que consigue es dañarte mentalmente, envenenarte, y amargarte.
La vida está para adelante, nunca para atrás. Si andas por la vida dejando "puertas abiertas", por si acaso, nunca podrás desprenderte ni vivir lo de hoy con satisfacción. ¿Noviazgos o amistades que no clausuran?, ¿Posibilidades de regresar? (¿a qué?), ¿Necesidad de aclaraciones?, ¿Palabras que no se dijeron?, ¿Silencios que lo invadieron? Si puedes enfrentarlos ya y ahora, hazlo, si no, déjalos ir, cierra capítulos. Dite a ti mismo que no, que no vuelven. Pero no por orgullo ni soberbia, sino, porque tú ya no encajas allí en ese lugar, en ese corazón, en esa habitación, en esa casa, en esa oficina, en ese oficio.
Tú ya no eres el mismo que fuiste hace dos días, hace tres meses, hace un año. Por lo tanto, no hay nada a qué volver. Cierra la puerta, da vuelta a la hoja, cierra el círculo. Ni tú serás el mismo, ni el entorno al que regresas será igual, porque en la vida nada se queda quieto, nada es estático. Es salud mental, amor por ti mismo, desprender lo que ya no está en tu vida.
Recuerda que nada ni nadie es indispensable. Ni una persona, ni un lugar, ni un trabajo. Nada es vital para vivir porque cuando tú viniste a este mundo, llegaste sin ese adhesivo. Por lo tanto, es costumbre vivir pegado a él, y es un trabajo personal aprender a vivir sin él, sin el adhesivo humano o físico que hoy te duele dejar ir.
Es un proceso de aprender a desprenderse y, humanamente se puede lograr, porque te repito: nada ni nadie nos es indispensable. Sólo es costumbre, apego, necesidad. Pero cierra, clausura, limpia, tira, oxigena, despréndete, sacúdete, suéltate.
Hay muchas palabras para significar salud mental y cualquiera que sea la que escojas, te ayudará definitivamente a seguir para adelante con tranquilidad. ¡Esa es la vida!
Paulo Coelho Novelista Brasilero
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Chin Up! Keep Going!
Chapter 76 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'
Chin Up! Keep Going!
Today's Empowering Quote
"Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of
--Ray Kroc
Today's Empowering Question
"Am I even a little closer today to my goal than
Today's Fast Session
For those of you who don't know Ray Kroc, he's the guy who
took McDonald's from a little hamburger stand to the most
successful restaurant chain in the world. He's long passed
away and the systems that he set up still thrive and
dominate today.
He developed and improved on systems of training, making
the food, presentation, franchising, and advertising that
made a moderately successful joint into a global phenomenon.
Systems and persistence.
Many people thought he was a crazed lunatic, concerning
his fanaticism about consistency. But Ray understood that
once a system, good or bad, is in place, it's nearly
impossible to change it.
And that's how we all are as individuals, too. Once we
get a habit, it becomes very hard to break...
Giving up too soon is the saddest thing in the world.
My wife told me a story the other day about a co-worker
who has never hit the 'Help' button in any software program
she's ever used...and she's used computers every day for
years. She thinks it will take too long to find the
answer, so she just doesn't even bother.
Don't laugh--you probably have a few of these yourself.
Find them and snuff them out.
Do you look at potential goals and get overwhelmed by all
the stuff you'd have to do to achieve it and thus never
start anything? The right way is to write down all the
benefits that you'll get--spiritually, physically,
emotionally, socially... any benefit.
Look far into the future. Write 'em down.
This simple exercise will help you stay motivated to see
it through.
If it takes months or even years to get what you want,
keeping your eye on the ball will keep you going. If you
don't even know why you're doing something, how can you
possibly stay passionate about it?
You can't.
Have you given up on a goal recently, where if you
attained it, your life would be dramatically improved?
Were you passionate about the goal?
Of course you weren't.
Passionate desire helps create persistence.
Persistence alone will often get you where you want to go.
Without it, it doesn't matter how much you know, who you
know, who you are, what you've done before, what you look
like or how much money you have to throw at a problem.
Persistence, sheer persistence usually will win.
Determination will overcome even superior talent.
Even if you never reach the goal that you've worked so
hard for, there is a pretty decent ancillary benefit...
Tomorrow's another day. Your day.
What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out
intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of
life. FR~EE details==>
FR~EE email course ==>
I love you all!!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Dating Is A Numbers Game

Well in this article, you're going to learn how this principal applies in the real world, and how you can use it to improve your ability to meet women.
First of all, what does that mean... dating is a numbers game? How does that actually work in the real world?
The reason you'll hear so many people talking about dating as a numbers game is because of this simple truth. The more doors you knock on, the more will open.
Now there's two ways to increase the amount of women in your life. The first one is to simple knock on more doors, and statistically... you will get more doors that open for you.
What that means is... the more women you approach, and ask out... the more women you are going to have saying yes. The flip side of that is you will also have more women saying "no" too.
The second way to get more women is to learn how to get a higher percentage of those doors to open. Let's say you approach 20 women, and only 1 of them is interested in seeing you for a first date.
That's a 5% "yes ratio". Now, you could just approach 100 women, and get 5 "yes's", and that would be fine. You'd have 5 women in your life, and you'd be happy.
Well that's what you'll discover in my book "Seven Magic Words". You will learn some of the best shortcuts and techniques for attracting beautiful women, and getting a higher percentage of yes's.
If you're ready to start meeting more women TODAY, then check out this website now, while it's fresh in your mind: Seven Magic Words
Wayne Ross
Author: Seven Magic Words
(edited by: me)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
--Get Mad... Then Make Your World Better-- (by Mike Brescia)
Chapter 57 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'
Get Mad...Then Make Your World Better
Today's Empowering Quote
"Anger is a prelude to courage."
-Eric Hoffer
Today's Empowering Question
"What am I really dissatisfied about right now?"
Today's Fast Session
I guess I better start right out by explaining the word
'Anger' as we'll be using it. By anger, I mean that you
see something or something happens and it spurs in you a
burning, all-encompassing desire to fix the problem.
The problem with most people is that they get angry at
other people for taking advantage of their weaknesses.
"You took my boyfriend." Hey, if your relationship was
good, there wouldn't be a problem. The blame rests with
you and/or your boyfriend, not anyone else.
A few years ago, I met Rudy Ruettiger. The movie 'Rudy'
is based on his life. He told me that the thing that kept
him going in the face of every adversity you can imagine
was anger...
Anger at everyone that told him playing football for Notre
Dame was crazy; for everyone that told him that he wasn't
cut out for college; that he ought to work in the factory
because it was safe; that he ought to forget his stupid
The nay sayers motivated him. It made him angry when
people knocked his dream.
If you've never seen the movie, I would recommend that you
buy it and wear it out. And if you don't have any tissues,
get some before you hit "play."
What do most people do when others rain on their parade?
What do you do?
Inside, you probably laugh right along and say something
like, "Yeah, it is kind of silly. That IS a little out of
my league."
Why not get angry and do something about it, instead.
Show them you can reach your dream.
Few people like to stand out. To be seen as different.
Well, anger is really just another way of describing one
of the first elements that go into making a personal
mission statement. I mean after all, what would a mission
be if you weren't completely behind it emotionally? It
wouldn't be a mission. It would be just a wish. And
wishes don't usually come true.
Missions, though, usually ensure that dreams become
But when you've got a mission, it sets your whole being
into motion.
Great missions come about often when you just can't stand
the way something is and you feel like you must change it.
"MADD" (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) came about because
of anger. "America's Most Wanted" came about because of
So many breakthroughs and achievements would never have
happened unless someone got mad and said "I'm not going to
take it any more!"
I did that years ago and went looking for tools to change
the way I thought. It took a while, but I found them and
altered them to create a technology that ultimately changed
who I am and changed the lives of thousands around the
world... all because of massive pain and dissatisfaction.
Here's what I want you to do...
Find something in your life that you're dissatisfied with
and get yourself worked up. Ask yourself what your life
will be like if this doesn't change. Feel the pain. Get
angry. Don't blame others in this mental exercise. You're
responsible for your own circumstances. Get that straight.
Feel the pain now. Compare those feelings to the feelings
you'd have if you were just to fix the situation now. No
matter what kind of effort it would take to fix. It might
take years for you to get things the way you want them.
But compare the two futures. Get angry at the first
future. Get scared. And get determined not to end up
Make it a must. You must change it. Feel it. If you've
got to cry and scream and pound your fists, fine...if
that's what it takes.
Look now at the better future you saw. How big is the
gap? Would it be worth any effort that it might take? I
think you'll find that it probably is.
Without dissatisfaction, and often anger, it's verrrry
difficult to get and stay motivated. You must keep your
dissatisfaction in your mind daily.
Use it as fuel for your motivation.
As long as you continue to take personal responsibility
for your life, this can work miracles.
But as long as you keep blaming others for your problems,
you'll continue to have them.
Get dissatisfied. It will help you feel courageous, even
if last week you were hiding out.
What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out
intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of
life. FR~EE details==>
FR~EE email course ==>
I love you all!!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
(Quote) by Robert Dilts
Sometimes hanging in there is what you need to do, even in the face of frustration
Friday, December 02, 2005
(Cocina) Caraotas
Clara Hernandez (
Las caraotas, se cocinan de la siguiente manera:
Pones las caraotas una vez escogidas sin piedritas, en suficiente agua para que se remajen. Ellas se van a chupar esa agua y le vas a agregar mas. Dejalas remajando por al menos dos horas para que no esten tan duras a la hora de cocinarlas. Luego de haberlas remojado, vas a ponerle una cebolla cortada menuda, un pimenton verde cortado menudo, un poco de comino, algo de azucar, como dos cucharadas y ajo machacado. Vas a dejarlas cocinas a fuego bajo por lo menos cuatro horas para que te queden bien cremosas. Le vas a reponer el agua cada vez que se vayan secando, no las dejes quemar. Una vez que esten blandas, le pones sal y corriges la sazon, eso no te puedo decir como es porque es muy personal, depende del gusto de cada quien, pero si quieres le puedes poner mas azucar y comino que eso usualmente ayuda a realzar el sabor. las dejaras hervir un rato mas y listo. Las puedes freir despues de que esten listas o comerlas asi mismo.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
--Solve Your Problems By Throwing Them Away-- (by Mike Brescia)
Chapter 72 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'
Solve Your Problems By Throwing Them Away
Today's Empowering Quote
"I don't know who my grandfather was. I'm more concerned
to know who his grandson will be."
-Abraham Lincoln
Today's Empowering Question
"Am I looking at yesterday as an excuse to fail or a
reason to succeed?"
Today's Fast Session
I don't know where I first heard this little mental
technique, but it was just after I moved back from
California to New York in 1987. Just one of the many
little grains of sand thrown on the pile that I used to
help me climb out of my hole. It has served me well over
the years. When you get stuck and feel that there's no way
out of a situation, try this.
Write down a "problem" you're embroiled in. Write how you
feel about it. Write down all the reasons you can't
succeed, why you feel powerless, why it's no use to even
Then take that paper, wad it up in a ball and throw it
away. Upon my many arcing baskets I could usually be heard
saying something like, "That is the biggest pile of horse
crap I've ever seen!!"
After you do this, forget about it. Yup. Put it out of
your mind completely. Start some other task right away.
If you do this, something magical will happen. Your
subconscious mind will go to work on it. You see, when you
tell yourself out loud that your pity party is hooey, that
your false excuses are just that, that you're not going to
listen to the lies you've told yourself for so long, your
mind, the one that God gave you to use for good and noble
deeds, says, "All right!! Time to do what I was created to
What you'll experience is, most times, nothing short of a
miracle. Often, within a day or two, you'll be driving
down the road, eating a snack or raking the leaves and
suddenly you'll get a huge "A-ha!!" And the answer comes.
Life being life, we all get lots of opportunities to solve
problems that seem insurmountable... sometimes daily. But
by programming your subconscious mind in this way, you're
teaching yourself to come up with answers quickly. Soon,
all "problems" become nothing more than an easy decision or
two from complete resolution.
Like any good habit, though, you need to be consistent.
Don't do it once, solve a big problem, never to come back
to your excellent technique. How many times have you
watched a sporting event and your team's strength seems to
be completely underutilized by the coaching staff calling
the plays. Doesn't it shock you that these guys could be
so stupid not to use their best chance to win? Don't be
like that!
Grab a pen and a piece of paper... C'mon.
Soon you'll be making baskets from across the room with
your little balls of paper... "Three seconds, two, one...
the shot. It's good!!"
Problem solved.
What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
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I love you all!!!