Sunday, November 20, 2005

--Solve Your Problems By Throwing Them Away-- (by Mike Brescia)

Chapter 72 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'

Solve Your Problems By Throwing Them Away

Today's Empowering Quote

"I don't know who my grandfather was. I'm more concerned
to know who his grandson will be."
-Abraham Lincoln

Today's Empowering Question

"Am I looking at yesterday as an excuse to fail or a
reason to succeed?"

Today's Fast Session

I don't know where I first heard this little mental
technique, but it was just after I moved back from
California to New York in 1987. Just one of the many
little grains of sand thrown on the pile that I used to
help me climb out of my hole. It has served me well over
the years. When you get stuck and feel that there's no way
out of a situation, try this.

Write down a "problem" you're embroiled in. Write how you
feel about it. Write down all the reasons you can't
succeed, why you feel powerless, why it's no use to even

Then take that paper, wad it up in a ball and throw it
away. Upon my many arcing baskets I could usually be heard
saying something like, "That is the biggest pile of horse
crap I've ever seen!!"

After you do this, forget about it. Yup. Put it out of
your mind completely. Start some other task right away.
If you do this, something magical will happen. Your
subconscious mind will go to work on it. You see, when you
tell yourself out loud that your pity party is hooey, that
your false excuses are just that, that you're not going to
listen to the lies you've told yourself for so long, your
mind, the one that God gave you to use for good and noble
deeds, says, "All right!! Time to do what I was created to

What you'll experience is, most times, nothing short of a
miracle. Often, within a day or two, you'll be driving
down the road, eating a snack or raking the leaves and
suddenly you'll get a huge "A-ha!!" And the answer comes.

Life being life, we all get lots of opportunities to solve
problems that seem insurmountable... sometimes daily. But
by programming your subconscious mind in this way, you're
teaching yourself to come up with answers quickly. Soon,
all "problems" become nothing more than an easy decision or
two from complete resolution.

Like any good habit, though, you need to be consistent.
Don't do it once, solve a big problem, never to come back
to your excellent technique. How many times have you
watched a sporting event and your team's strength seems to
be completely underutilized by the coaching staff calling
the plays. Doesn't it shock you that these guys could be
so stupid not to use their best chance to win? Don't be
like that!

Grab a pen and a piece of paper... C'mon.

Soon you'll be making baskets from across the room with
your little balls of paper... "Three seconds, two, one...
the shot. It's good!!"

Problem solved.

What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out
intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of
life. FR~E details==>
FR~E email course ==>

I love you all!!!



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