Saturday, December 10, 2005
Dating Is A Numbers Game

Well in this article, you're going to learn how this principal applies in the real world, and how you can use it to improve your ability to meet women.
First of all, what does that mean... dating is a numbers game? How does that actually work in the real world?
The reason you'll hear so many people talking about dating as a numbers game is because of this simple truth. The more doors you knock on, the more will open.
Now there's two ways to increase the amount of women in your life. The first one is to simple knock on more doors, and statistically... you will get more doors that open for you.
What that means is... the more women you approach, and ask out... the more women you are going to have saying yes. The flip side of that is you will also have more women saying "no" too.
The second way to get more women is to learn how to get a higher percentage of those doors to open. Let's say you approach 20 women, and only 1 of them is interested in seeing you for a first date.
That's a 5% "yes ratio". Now, you could just approach 100 women, and get 5 "yes's", and that would be fine. You'd have 5 women in your life, and you'd be happy.
Well that's what you'll discover in my book "Seven Magic Words". You will learn some of the best shortcuts and techniques for attracting beautiful women, and getting a higher percentage of yes's.
If you're ready to start meeting more women TODAY, then check out this website now, while it's fresh in your mind: Seven Magic Words
Wayne Ross
Author: Seven Magic Words
(edited by: me)