Monday, February 28, 2005

Stop Living In The Past! People!

Living in the past is bad. At first glance, you live in the present. At second glance, I've seen this people all trying to "negative up" the discussion on email lists, like for example, there was someone saying something about what somebody supposedly said months or weeks ago, and how he was framing the whole situation was: 1. All accusations and bs 2. Nothing positive to learn from it... and I don't like that. It's some people who got into that new list trying to contaminate their negative energy to the place, and I don't want to be around that.

What I did was removing myself from that list. I don't want to let the possibility to read unuseful info on my private mail. I'm decided about just asking a person who really gave great responses to mi inquiries, so if I have anything to ask, I'll go ask him.

The guy who was under the accusations may have said what some say he said... BUT he has the right to say he did not say that or that he was misunderstood. End of the topic. Let the past die. People make mistakes. What matters is what we are now. Sometimes today's thoughts are yesterday's bullshit. People keep evolving.

Dettachment. Sense of Abundance

I like the concept of dettachment. For me it means believeving that there's always abundance. Beleiving in a fair game, even though life is unfair. Helping the one who's fallen down, but not too much, just giving that person his/her space to start to grow again. Something like a sword with no edge that never kills anyone but does the work right to defend or attack if required.

Should I go out tonight? Maybe, but I don't need to. Should I be millionaire? That would be greatm but I'm not desperate for it.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

I dreamed I could fly

My dreams are having this wonderful feature. In all of them, I tell people I can fly. In fact I fly a little on those dreams. I am always able to fly, but of course it takes me focus and concentration to get the fly going, it's like I had wings, but I don't see them. I just fly and feel wonderful about it.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Learning by demand

Sure, you can read a book. You can read many books. It's a cool thing to know what you want to learn, knowing what it is you're curious about. Me, for example, I'd like to enhance my conversational capabilities, so that it (conversation) becomes more interesting, fun and interactive. Interactivity in a conversation, that's something cool to have.

"Learning by demand" is a cool concept. You're being spontaneous. You're having fun and finding out about those things you wanna know. And of course, nowadays, the Internet is the place to be. The possibilities are infinite, and you really can learn anything just ask "Google" for it! Satisfy your learning curiosities!

Friday, February 25, 2005

So much info, learnings

There's so much, info, learnings about becoming a better person and having more power, than I really feel compelled to act on it. It's like I can see how I could feel if I didn't know so many of these things, and I don't like it. The primarly objetive is to just do it for fun, whatever it is I'm doing.

Another thing I've been realizing is there were things I did in the past that I know get to learn from and want to do again because of it, these past things were great and it don't matter the other little things that were not so great. So that's an idea I'm getting, that it can be great to do things for the long-run's sake.

What is it about talking without thinking too much?

Thinking too much for talking is less better than saying whatever you have in mind.

Imagine a girl or a man who is a "10". They can and will approach anybody they want, they don't hesitate for a second; they know they'll have the power at least in the first minutes of "interaction".

There's a post I read, Alessandro said that you just don't give a fuck what they'll say, and that's it.

By approaching strangers you are slowly improving your own self value, I mean how you rate your confidence and ability to get responses.

Today I thought a lot after this girl with her I guess sister walked in front of me. I was thinking about how women with closed body language could mean they're open, cause there's a body language from women which expresses shyness and submission and maybe a good fear, and you better say and communicate positively.

If I could walk in front of them again I would say whatever I had in mind, and maybe kept it as more topics would come to mind.

Next messages I'll give the link of that post from Alessandro

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Jive Bunny: Talk About Great Memories!!

I think some people might remember... but to help u remind of this last decade, check out this link!!

I finally remember (google help) what the name was of the group who does these oldies remixes... GREAT!!

Searching for Relaxing Music to Hear While Surfing

This is something that I can improve, the music I'm hearing while I'm surfing the web. Anyone there with good tips for music to listen meanwhile writing/reading/learning/chating are welcome!

Oh! I've found a movie called "Relajacion. Tecnicas", and this is something I would like to learn. I'd like to learn how to breathe properly and provoke a deep state of relaxation of myself.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Something I Learned today

I went to the #pua chat today, and saw 2 people who were completely confused about their lives, and they blamed it on women. They both asked about "this special girl"m and of course the people told them "GFTOW", which means "Go F-word Ten Other Women". Why? 'Cause they were sick of oneitis, just being disrespectful to themselves and their own rules just because of the supposed attraction they were feeling. Man are as faithful as his options. Gotta have options, just like women do, notice how women pass from boyfriend to boyfriend, cause they have preselected some and maybe already done dirty things with them... Anyways the learning is have choices, don't disrespect the pua lifestyle and don't be a playa hater

Sunday, February 20, 2005

You're forming your own puzzle

You are forming your own puzzle. That puzzle is formed by words. You're sure what words you're gonna form, and never doubt about it. You have those images strongly formed and assured on your mind. So highly-optimistic and confident that you just live your life and there's a constant flow.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

What I Want

I'm complete

I love myself, I'm comfortable too, I'm enjoying every single day, I find a lot more of things laughable at and funny

I do not need women. I do not need to have sex w women. I don't need someone else to be happy. I'm finding better and better principles of seeing life.

I just want to enjoy life and dare to

Friday, February 18, 2005

It's about Fun Doodz, yes

Today I wake up with this realization.

Don't go out with an objetive or goal in mind that breaks your freedom-state. It causes you to put too much thought into what would happen... and you've never even started.

This has been my situation with some goals... I used to say "Write 2 songs per day", or "Write 5 songs a day". What I've been doing these recent months is passing all the songs I've written into a single notebook, because the fact is they are all over the place into single pieces of paper or in some pocket journals that I'm used to carry.

Self note: I've not been carrying my pocket journal, what's up with that? Also, to get a small pen is very important

Ok, so what that goal made me do sometimes is I didn't do anything or did not feel a creative drive those days, and I felt forced but not driven to do those tasks. It was losing all the reasons why I enjoyed writing songs and playing them in my guitar afterwards.

The another thing I used to try to do was doing a "bootcamp", and one of it's missions is "go talk to 10 attractive women". This objetive made me not only not make any conversation at all, but not even going out of the house to meet those people and do those conversations. It instantly killed my natural drive to improve, it didn't feel good. In fact, the last day of the mission I broke down a little, cause I just wasn't able to do such a simple thing. There was no fun in doing it.

It all comes down to things that this article talks of:

And I recommend reading this blog

Note: Begin to put a series of links as a "Blog-Roll" or "Favorite Links"

What to do? Enjoy your journey no matter what, it's about doing fun things, not about getting perfect results or knowing all there is to it before even trying. It's about self growing, it's about fitting to your natural drive to have fun, getting a good adrenaline rush.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

If you worry, you lose

As simple as that. Today I was walking to take the bus back to my house after german lessons, and i saw a guy with 2 beautiful girls, and they both looked at me, if girls look att you they're attracted, simple as that. I even thought about approaching the whole set with the fart opener, that is I ask a female question whether they can smell their own farts. No, I kept walking. That's somehow 'worrying'.

IF I had the better thought of I'm just gonna mess around with these people, It's much better that way

I like to stay centered

I like to stay centered at something when I'm doing it... I've read about just focusing on doing what you're doing at the momment... Yes, it's about developing flow...

I think I can be more productive with my time in the next few days...

If You Wanna Learn Russian For Free

Here's the link

I recommend it 100% I'm doing that course as I'm writing this. And contact me so we can practice russian!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Gotta begin somewhere!!

Yeah I gottta begin somewhere... I'm following the advice of this great great book I got, it's called megaliving, of course if you want it just tell me and i'll send it to you.

Why writing a diary? To develop precision of thought.

There's this great site I found, it's called check it out and it will make your day!

I think I gotta takeover somewhere! I like writing, and here I got the freedom!!

I'm learning German and Russian, also strenghtening my Italian. I also speak Spanish as my first language, but I really think English is very close to being very natural to me.

My age? I'm 41 years old and I work as a male stripper... LoL, not a bad idea though

Things to do: get consistency at learning new vocabulary of german, russian and italian daily; to love and have fun with this diary, i mean doing it as an obligation just does not work...

I have this ebook I started reading called "7 habits of highly effective people"...

Older Women & Conversation Topics

I want to know something... What the hell?

I think if I or you are people who have are deep and philosophical, we could go 20 years ahead and just talk to older women and create sexy moments with them. Why would anyone waste their time with one of those typical :S wtf faces when you suggest a talk about deep wonderful things with younger women?! It's an ache to go through that kind of "adjusting", when you can go ahead and not get that discomfort feeling from women.

Just a thought...

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