Thursday, September 29, 2005

To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. ~Elbert Hubbard

Friday, September 23, 2005

(outlink) Confidence Overdrive!

Confidence Overdrive!
by The Player

Even the best of us could use a good boost in confidence, because confidence is the quality in men that women find attractive far above any other. The more confidence that you display, the more women you will get, and it's as simple as that. I believe that I have developed the most effective and easiest confidence building technique that you will ever learn. Are you ready to go into confidence overdrive?

We have all heard of psychologist and support groups telling people that they must express their feelings by letting them out, because keeping your feelings to yourself, in other words "bottled up", will cause them to build up and grow. This works under the same principles. However, your goal will be to let your feelings build up on purpose by forcing yourself to keep your experiences "bottled up". Let me explain...

Whenever you tell someone about your conquests with women by saying something along the lines of "Remember that girl who gave me her number at the bar last week? I slept with her last night" you are subconsciously lowering the importance of the particular event in your mind. The act of having to "prove yourself" to other people by making your prowess known is actually a display of insecurity, and in the back of our minds we all know that to be true.

If you NEVER tell anyone about your personal life, you will notice that your self confidence will shoot through the roof! This works as a continuous cycle of confidence building because of the "building up" factor, which will continue to raise your confidence level rapidly as long as you always keep everything to yourself. So if you go on a trip to the Bahamas and end up getting with a super model or movie star, keep your mouth shut. The rewards are much better than being able to tell a good story to your friends.

You should start by developing a state of mind in which you could care less about other people knowing your business. You know where you've been and what you've done, and that is all that matters. Once you have achieved this you will no longer need to "prove yourself" to anyone, because they will think highly of you simply because of the confidence you display.

(outlink) Keeping Your Mind Tight And You Feeling Right
Keeping Your Mind Tight And You Feeling Right

It has come to my attention that some potential players are having problems getting started. One problem is the need for confidence and a way of building it. In this article I will give a way of building it in the privacy of your home. This is a basic knowledge of NLP.

The Basics
This is how NLP works; there are internal representations, which is how you represent things in your mind. Physiology is the second part of this technique of this how you carry yourself body language. If you can control your internal representations physiology will come as second nature.

The Uses
You might ask how this benefits you, well if you read on you will know. First, you must close your eyes and think about a girl you desire. Next, see yourself approaching her with confidence, no fear, and techniques you learned from this web site. Then, see you succeeding with her do this until this is not a fantasy of what will happen, but a law of what will happen if you follow this outline. When you do approach her now there will be no fear are second thoughts this new part of you will kick in. Giving that confidence that player swagger. Many things influence the effectiveness of IR. You should try it with different sounds, tastes, brightness, feels, and anything else from location to if it’s hot are cold and record which ones are the most effective together and alone. Once you have mastered these techniques move to another more risky article “Confidence Overdrive” by “the player”.

If executed correctly together the possibilities for these to articles are inexhaustible. For more information on the uses of NLP contact me PIMP at

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Silence the Critic Within
-- Maxwell Maltz

A Good Site to Get Fonts From

I was looking for the font "Trebuchet MS" which is the one I'm using on my speech about "Practical Tips" on linux
Free Fonts - 6500 Free TTF Fonts

I turned to that page... what made me find it was writing on the search the word: ttf so that I wasn't gonna go through the .exe installer file... which would be a waste of time

I'm gonna tell you guys the truth: I've woken up EARLY...

In fact... I dare you wake up at the same time as I did today!

LoL No bets please... unless it's a "I'll win anyways" kind of bet...

Anyhoo... I'm uploading an improvement of my .sxi file of the speech and also the font file... just in case they won't have it already installed.

I'm really wondering whether the presentation will run directly from my PC or from another one... and I re-wonder about whether it will have Mandrake/iva or some other linux distribution...

It's a Linux Conference that will be held on next month (October), so there's absolutely no way that any machine running windows is going to make an appearance.

This "Waking up early at 3.40 AM" thing is working!!

see ya

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow

Friday, September 09, 2005


Un hombre para ser hombre no necesita armas


Forget about perfection

~Forget about perfection... You'll never reach it~

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ~Salvador Dali

Firefox: The Browser you can Trust

Get Firefox!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Mi historia personal parte II

Ese texto "Mi historia personal", lo escribí en la otra página web que tenía hace un año o menos, se me ocurrio (lo lei) que de pronto alguna que otra persona me iba a contactar y así hacer contactos y amistades.

Varias personas me contactaron, ninguna permanece.

Sobre "rapear"... podría definir "rapear" como "crear". Me gusta la creación, me gusta el proceso creativo, me gusta expresar mi mente.

Los estudios del alemán los dejé... probablemente los retome más adelante

El italiano me falta reforzarlo y tenerle estudio constante para dominarlo...

Sigo aprendiendo ruso, estoy haciendo un curso que esta en uno de los enlaces del blog. Voy aprendiendo lento, pero estoy aprendiendo. La verdad es que sería bueno ir aprendiendo con mayor rapidez.

No he probado tomar clases de parte de cantantes de mariachi para mejorar la proyección de la voz. Es una idea que probablemente más adelante pueda probar poner en acción.

Con respecto a ser positivo. He mejorado bastante al respecto. Actualmente me encuentro explorando la espiritualidad y 'trascender el ego'.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

(Refran) I

Nadie Nace Aprendido


(Quote) From George Foreman (I)

Plan your work. Then work your plan.
-- George Foreman

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