Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Beyond Imaginable
Monday, February 27, 2006
(linux) Resample Wav Files
So I found this while searching on google "resample wav files linux":
"sox track01.wav -r 44100 track01-new.wav resample"
from: http://www.linux.com/howtos/MP3-CD-Burning/audio.shtml
I just manually changed the track01.wav and track01-new.wav to the actual file names. And whala, it worked. I burned the cd with K3b because xcdroast threw me a very weird msg, and that was that.
Mission Accomplished,
David eMC
Friday, February 17, 2006
the best way to make tough decisions is to forget about them
By Margaret Munro
CanWest News Service
Deciding whether to slap down $40,000 on a new car or $1million for a house should be left to your unconscious, indicates new research that suggests the best way to make tough decisions is to forget about them.
Collect the relevant information, it says, then let the unconscious churn through the options. In the end, it makes for better decisions.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is not always advantageous to engage in thorough conscious deliberation before choosing," say psychologist Ap Dijksterhuis and his colleagues at the University of Amsterdam, who make a strong case in the journal Science today for listening to gut feelings and intuition.
Their work on "unconscious thought theory" taps into the brain's hidden - and many psychologists say unappreciated - ability to juggle and weigh complicated situations and options.
"In short, consciousness should be used to gather information, the unconscious to work on it," says Dijksterhuis.
A similar approach was proposed in Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling book Blink:The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
The new study focuses on consumer choices, but Dijksterhuis and other psychologists say politicians, managers and negotiators would also be well advised to delegate tricky decisions to the unconscious.
"This process of just 'sleeping on it' and 'letting it sit' is not just procrastination, but is a valuable, productive technique that is drawing on cognitive processes that seem to really exist," says psychologist Jonathan Schooler of the University of British Columbia, who has done extensive research in the field.
"At a minimum, people should include this in their tool kit of decision-making."
The Dutch studies suggest simple choices like deciding on shampoo can be safely left to the conscious mind. But complex decisions are best left to the unconcious.
The Indigo's Reality
Excepts from "The Indigo's Reality"
The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, dynamic energy field. As part of this ecosystem, humanity is grow, and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. A new colour-Indigo-has emerged, with ski talents, and physical characteristics significantly different those of the other colors. At this time, most Indigos are still children or young adults. I see Indigo children as a new co invested with new talents and abilities that will be necessary for our evolution. These children have unique characteristics for which we can only guess the purpose.
Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge-how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them to exist in the mainstream of contemporary society. The parents of some of these Indigo children will love and support their differences. Other Indigos will not be:' lucky.
The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore ex experience They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept.
The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. Because they seem to have already grasped what it means to be authentic, they have little tolerance for others who struggle with this issue. Indigos are not without compassion. However, their form of compassion is to give other human beings time and space enough to find their ,Own answers, to come to their own resolutions.
Indigos have a biochemical system that has differing needs and considerations than other aura colors. Acceptance of their more sensitive systems pays rich dividends for parents.
Indigos seem to register emotional, physical, and psychological input at an unusually high frequency, in the same way some audio equipment is designed to pick up sound waves in the upper ranges. Consequently, their systems reach overload more quickly. This means that they tire more easily, can become confused from too much noise or chaos. Like the Crystals, they have extremely sensitive neural systems. Excessive excitement or prolonged stimulation can cause them to withdraw into themselves. Adults misunderstand this behavior as being contrary or difficult, when it is simply the Indigo child attempting to find emotional respite.
As infants, they are alert from the start. The most frequent comment from parents of Indigos is that the baby was awake, wide-eyed, and curious from the moment of birth. These infants do not seem to have the unfocused eyes of a newborn.
Indigos also seem to require less sleep than other infants. They nap infrequently, and even then sleep fitfully. This often Puts a strain on the new mother who expected her baby to sleep for the first three months. Not so for Indigos. Propping them up on a pillow when they are lying on their back seems to allow these infants a more restful sleep. Afternoon naps are Usually heavy and deep, as night sleep is for most of us. These children outgrow their need for naps earlier than others do. If they do nap in the afternoon, they frequently stay awake until all hours of the night. They often awaken from night sleep crying or in an irritable mood, especially if roused too ,abruptly. 'The result is physical pain, fright, and dislocation; it Is as if they have shifted gears too quickly. Gently awakening an Indigo by knocking lightly on the door of the room 0 calling the child's name softly over a period of ten to thirty minutes in the morning is a gift of love they will repay bright, happy dispositions all day.
While they love dairy products like ice cream and cheese, Indigos often have a physical intolerance to cow's milk, causes upper respiratory congestion, coughs, runny 0 and ear infections. Substituting goat's-milk products will them be more comfortable.
Because of their unusually sensitive systems, Indigos need an environment that is more placid and quiet than that required by other children. When subjected to extended periods of strenuous stimulation, their nervous systems become easily overloaded, causing them to become irritable and out of sorts. These children are not spoiled. They simply have different needs. One way to assist them is to play classical music of the baroque period, which provides a stimulus for the side of the brain so that the intuitive side is free to Meditation music by composers such as Steven Halpern, taro, or Vangelis is also helpful. It allows them to feel more at peace with themselves, able to adapt to the shifts and changes in their environment more easily and quickly.
As infants, Indigos develop at a very rapid rate. In manuals dexterity and gross motor coordination they will develop than their peer group during the first two years. As they ponder the problems of manipulation, it is as if the observer is see the step-by-step thinking process of the Indigo. It is fascinating to watch them as they discover, observe, and interact with physical world, sorting and sifting data, making decisions achieving successes far beyond usual expectations. These children are very gifted, but in a new and different way. truly want to understand, not for the sake of enhanced esteem or for the privileges that come to the gifted child, because of their natural inquisitiveness.
In temperament, Indigos incorporate both male and male characteristics simultaneously. As a result, post-pubescent cent Indigos have no attitudes or values about sexual heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. It is all same to them. They go back and forth various forms of sexual expression. They mate soul-to-soul rather than body-to-body. Sexuality is not an expression of masculinity or femininity, but rather the capacity of one human soul to interact with another soul. Sexual expression is a medium of communication so profound that sex for the purpose of physical release only is incomprehensible to an Indigo. They choose their partners carefully, favoring people who intuitively understand the deep spiritual nature of the sexual exchange of energy represented by the sex act. Because an Indigo is renewed spiritually as well as physically by each such experience, they seem to have lower sex drives, finding that fewer but more fulfilling experiences are preferable to many casual experiences.
Currently, Indigos find great satisfaction working with their hands in occupations that require them to pay attention to the process that is, not intellectually demanding. Many of them have become artisans, or even repairmen. They are Intelligent, soft-spoken hardworking and dedicated employees. They take jobs in such industries as construction, plumbing, and electrical contracting, heating, and air-conditioning They do well in jobs that allow them flexibility and freedom-, but incorporate limits and guidelines, such as quality control or building inspection.
For the future, as new needs and situations arise, Indigo will move into leadership positions because they have firsthand knowledge gained from experience in repairing today's technology. They will know what we need in the future based on, what we have in the present.
Spirituality as expressed by an Indigo is an example what it would be like to live without the guilt and fear used by many religions to intimidate and manipulate. Indigos sense the nature of their own divinity, that part of themselves that is a reflection of perfection. Indigos accept their spirituality as a fact of being.
Indigos seem to have been born knowing everything. The seem to come into this existence with all the information other times, other places, intact. It is as if they remember where they have been prior to coming here. This may be 9 result of spiritual evolution, or it may be an innate characteristic of the Indigo color.
Indigos have a unique relationship with the Higher Power. Most 'of us consider the Higher Power to be above us; our' spiritual evolution is a process of reaching and striving to elevate ourselves through knowledge, spiritual practices, and examination of our own inner selves. Indigos seem to have an. inner sense of the Higher Power. To an Indigo, the Higher Power is a daily reality, not a theological concept. God is. Indigos see our striving after spirituality as posturing-much, the way Christ saw the Pharisees.
Indigos find it easy to conform to institutionalized spiritual practices. Even as young children they have a gift for spiritual pursuits such as meditation, and an appreciation of ceremonial accoutrements such as incense, medicine rocks, and smudge,", sticks. They often choose them as playthings. They intuitively' incorporate reverence and honor into their behavior, handling the spiritual objects with love and respect. They respond easily and naturally to prayer and meditation rituals; they seem to love the quiet time as well as the space. Indigos are spiritually eclectic, able to incorporate many spiritual traditions, rituals, and symbol systems simultaneously, taking peace and comfort from each. They are not bound by old traditions, habits, or. belief systems. These children know that there is an order and a pattern to the universe that has little to do with the rules and regulations others make up. They are able to construct a holistic spirituality within themselves, to build an inner temple capable of accommodating many divergent belief systems.
Because Indigos are born knowing everything, they have easy access to the whole spectrum of what is known in the paranormal or psychic world. Because they know-and know that they know-they are less willing than others to filter out or deny these alternate realities. Many of these children sense the technology of the future. To them, our civilization seems as barbaric and superstitious as King Arthur's court appeared to the Connecticut Yankee.
by Barbara Bowers from her book "What Color Is Your Aura? Personality Spectrums For Understanding and Growth". She was a student of Nancy Ann Tappe who wrote "Understanding Your Life Thru Color", and she is the teacher of Pamala Oslie who wrote the more recent book "Life Colors".
Friday, February 10, 2006
My test results: What Kind Of Soul Are You? (from Blogthings)
You Are a Prophet Soul |
![]() You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |