Monday, May 30, 2005
(Quote) From Matt Furey (II)
"Life isn't smooth sailing unless you feel clean internally and externally. The key to success in life is learning what works - then continually reinforcing what works"
Matt Furey
Matt Furey
(Quote) From Matt Furey (I)
"After failing in yet another relationship, I made a decision to consciously choose the type of women I wanted to have in my life"
Matt Furey
Matt Furey
Sunday, May 29, 2005
(Funny) Loveball by pyce
I handed my heart to this one chick...
she said thank you I will be right back...
she proceeded to play soccer with it...
and when she was done she hands it back like no big deal and walks off

Author: Pyce
she said thank you I will be right back...
she proceeded to play soccer with it...
and when she was done she hands it back like no big deal and walks off

Author: Pyce
Friday, May 27, 2005
Don't say the same thing twice
This is a reminder...
I think this little change can improve how I feel about any conversation I'm having... I think that sometimes people throw little tests... and one of them is asking you to repeat something...
Or maybe we're deaf... probably too
I'm not saying totally say something different than you meant to say when they "didn't hear you", but don't literally repeat what you just said... instead, say the same thing with different words...
Gosh... gotta remember this! It gives me more power in any conversation...
The other idea is similar, and it's related... Purposedly ignore what the person is saying to you... and do it seldomly... because I think if you do it too much you'll just be... (fill blank)
I think this little change can improve how I feel about any conversation I'm having... I think that sometimes people throw little tests... and one of them is asking you to repeat something...
Or maybe we're deaf... probably too
I'm not saying totally say something different than you meant to say when they "didn't hear you", but don't literally repeat what you just said... instead, say the same thing with different words...
Gosh... gotta remember this! It gives me more power in any conversation...
The other idea is similar, and it's related... Purposedly ignore what the person is saying to you... and do it seldomly... because I think if you do it too much you'll just be... (fill blank)
(Attraction) Social Contribution: A Frame For Life
Well... This post is about ideas hitting my brain... about men and women... about approaches from men to women...
I just recently that women have to daily deal with competition from other women... be it the workplace, the clubs, at home... everywhere!
So, because of this... I'd say they're more TRAINED... they're constantly rehearsing. For example, I have a friend who happens to be a woman... and I remember the days when I just accusing of being very 'coquette'... and I pointed out the fact the she just can't help herself from accidentally or purposedly FLIRTING!... of course she denied it at first and told me why people call her on being a 'coquette'... she even told me how she went shopping with her mom, and her mom was like "Girl, would you PLEASE stop flirting so HARDCORE?"
After that conversation, I kept calling her on being 'so flirtatious'... but she didn't define herself as a 'coquette'... I should ask her something like "Do you define yourself as a 'coquette'?" to get rid of that interrogant...
I have no idea who told me this: "women are naturally flirtatious"... yea, I think it was a mature woman who clearly admited that fact...
How about US men? Well... I'm not sure... BUT I think we need to conciously understand these facts, and begin some "lifting" on the gym of "attraction", specially "flirting"...
I think one of the humanity's purpose is to serve. People have the purpose of giving a Social Contribution to this world... to impact someone's life... to give DIRECTIONS... to MAKE THINGS happen... to help others REACH NEW LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE... provide EXPERIENCE... MOTIVATE... Men and Women... BOTH
If a man approaches a woman... the woman's purpose is to give this man a DIRECTION for him to know what he's doing RIGHT... to MAKE A NEW LOVE happen... to help him UNDERSTAND the skills of "attraction", "comfort" and "flirting", providing him EXPERIENCE to MOTIVATE him keep going on his own path he's chosen or chosing...
Two main benefits for the woman... whether this man is skilled or about to become skilled... HE provides HER: EXPERIENCE... she's also filling her life purpose by doing something to serve the HUMANITY... this will help her feel more feminine... feel more appreciated and loved, and MOTIVATED!! She's sharing information, she's showing she's open to life and aware of how great her life can be if she justs OPENS HER MIND A LITTLE BIT
Women's purpose is to provide love to the whole world
I just recently that women have to daily deal with competition from other women... be it the workplace, the clubs, at home... everywhere!
So, because of this... I'd say they're more TRAINED... they're constantly rehearsing. For example, I have a friend who happens to be a woman... and I remember the days when I just accusing of being very 'coquette'... and I pointed out the fact the she just can't help herself from accidentally or purposedly FLIRTING!... of course she denied it at first and told me why people call her on being a 'coquette'... she even told me how she went shopping with her mom, and her mom was like "Girl, would you PLEASE stop flirting so HARDCORE?"
After that conversation, I kept calling her on being 'so flirtatious'... but she didn't define herself as a 'coquette'... I should ask her something like "Do you define yourself as a 'coquette'?" to get rid of that interrogant...
I have no idea who told me this: "women are naturally flirtatious"... yea, I think it was a mature woman who clearly admited that fact...
How about US men? Well... I'm not sure... BUT I think we need to conciously understand these facts, and begin some "lifting" on the gym of "attraction", specially "flirting"...
I think one of the humanity's purpose is to serve. People have the purpose of giving a Social Contribution to this world... to impact someone's life... to give DIRECTIONS... to MAKE THINGS happen... to help others REACH NEW LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE... provide EXPERIENCE... MOTIVATE... Men and Women... BOTH
If a man approaches a woman... the woman's purpose is to give this man a DIRECTION for him to know what he's doing RIGHT... to MAKE A NEW LOVE happen... to help him UNDERSTAND the skills of "attraction", "comfort" and "flirting", providing him EXPERIENCE to MOTIVATE him keep going on his own path he's chosen or chosing...
Two main benefits for the woman... whether this man is skilled or about to become skilled... HE provides HER: EXPERIENCE... she's also filling her life purpose by doing something to serve the HUMANITY... this will help her feel more feminine... feel more appreciated and loved, and MOTIVATED!! She's sharing information, she's showing she's open to life and aware of how great her life can be if she justs OPENS HER MIND A LITTLE BIT
Women's purpose is to provide love to the whole world
"Now Why Would I Ever... Stop Doing This?"
MC Hammer 'Can't Touch This'
MC Hammer 'Can't Touch This'
Thursday, May 26, 2005
(Display Pic) Cinetic I
May 2005 Review part I (Sound is back!)
I very seldomly talk about private stuff... but I'll make an exception today...
Topics that will be talked about:
- My random daily stuff
- Cool websites I've found
- Reflexions
One site I found owned to a colleague's recommendation is: Tucker Max A simple way to describe it: Stories of how a self-called "asshole" lives the life without apologizing about his behavior and practically ignoring society's rules... all this while mercesly mocking and making fun of everything and everyone... I've gotten many laughs so far... Real Life Rules!
So... While surfing that site... I found this link: Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey... It sounds really interesting... So I subscribed to the newsletter... and then got the vids and the ebooks! His proposal about excercises and the benefits he offers by doing his system are astonishing, and pretty "wantable"... like having a better flexibility, great strenght... without doing weights and being more independent form going to a gym. I like the idea of doing something different than other people. I like the idea of having a secret advantage over other people... I guess soon will begin my journey on really improving the BODY, MIND & SPIRIT... to the roof!! no limits!!
My PC had no soundcard functioning for I guess a month... I bought 20 CD-R's and have been persistenly burning new CD'S so I can listen to my computer stuff on the CD players: the one from the computer and the other one at my bedroom. I listened to some CD's many times, rediscovered my love for music albums... Today I was messing with the configuration, and I got to discover what was going on... I started alsa and BAM! the sound is back! So now I will be able to hear the sound from all these videos I've been downloading... Starting with the bunch of movies I've successfully burned into CD, the Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning Videos, the 50 cent music videos... and other clips too!
It's been 5 days or more since I'm alone attending the appartment... let me say it's quite a challenge... Luckily I can handle it...
More about that on the next part of the review!
Topics that will be talked about:
- My random daily stuff
- Cool websites I've found
- Reflexions
One site I found owned to a colleague's recommendation is: Tucker Max A simple way to describe it: Stories of how a self-called "asshole" lives the life without apologizing about his behavior and practically ignoring society's rules... all this while mercesly mocking and making fun of everything and everyone... I've gotten many laughs so far... Real Life Rules!
So... While surfing that site... I found this link: Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey... It sounds really interesting... So I subscribed to the newsletter... and then got the vids and the ebooks! His proposal about excercises and the benefits he offers by doing his system are astonishing, and pretty "wantable"... like having a better flexibility, great strenght... without doing weights and being more independent form going to a gym. I like the idea of doing something different than other people. I like the idea of having a secret advantage over other people... I guess soon will begin my journey on really improving the BODY, MIND & SPIRIT... to the roof!! no limits!!
My PC had no soundcard functioning for I guess a month... I bought 20 CD-R's and have been persistenly burning new CD'S so I can listen to my computer stuff on the CD players: the one from the computer and the other one at my bedroom. I listened to some CD's many times, rediscovered my love for music albums... Today I was messing with the configuration, and I got to discover what was going on... I started alsa and BAM! the sound is back! So now I will be able to hear the sound from all these videos I've been downloading... Starting with the bunch of movies I've successfully burned into CD, the Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning Videos, the 50 cent music videos... and other clips too!
It's been 5 days or more since I'm alone attending the appartment... let me say it's quite a challenge... Luckily I can handle it...
More about that on the next part of the review!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
(Español) Reseña de Mini-Seminario de Harold Finch en Maracaibo Mayo 2005 Parte II
Leer capítulo 2
10 principios para escribir metas:
- Metas deben estar en escrito
- Metas deben ser específicas
- Ponerlas visibles
- Las metas deben tener fecha tope
Las fechas topes energizan!
- Las metas deben ser personales
Leer capítulo 3
1. No abandones
Las metas son el timón para nuestra vida
Mantener archivo de record de sueños y metas
Dale Carnegie
Integridad y Honor
Pongale acción a sus creencias
No más: "Mañana, mañana, mañana"
Organizar los deseos del corazón
El único éxito que importa es el éxito eterno
10 principios para escribir metas:
- Metas deben estar en escrito
- Metas deben ser específicas
- Ponerlas visibles
- Las metas deben tener fecha tope
Las fechas topes energizan!
- Las metas deben ser personales
Leer capítulo 3
1. No abandones
Las metas son el timón para nuestra vida
Mantener archivo de record de sueños y metas
Dale Carnegie
Integridad y Honor
Pongale acción a sus creencias
No más: "Mañana, mañana, mañana"
Organizar los deseos del corazón
El único éxito que importa es el éxito eterno
(Español) Mayor Trabajo Interno?
Quizás tenga que hacer un trabajo interno más fuerte y constante.
Mejorar: Mis emociones, mi ser, mi personalidad, mi fortaleza y mi poder interior
Mejorar: Mis emociones, mi ser, mi personalidad, mi fortaleza y mi poder interior
(Español) Reseña de Mini-Seminario de Harold Finch en Maracaibo Mayo 2005 Parte I
Buenas... Este mini-seminario me pude informar a través de mi asistencia a una de las charlas gratuitas en Ailuz que se presentan todos los jueves de 7 pm en adelante acá en la ciudad de Maracaibo.
Lo primero que me pareció curioso es que Harold Finch no habla español, y durante todo el mini-seminario hizo empleo de un intérprete (persona que traduce lo que está diciendo la persona). Algo que me faltó decir es que la charla fue gratuita. Bien... nos dieron un librito llamado "Las Tres Llaves que abren la puerta al Gran Éxito" y nos dieron un bolígrafo. Al final del mini-seminario nos lo quitaron de vuelta... ahí me dí cuenta porque los bolígrafos no escribian tan claramente como unos nuevos. Al principio estaba sentado al lado de una señorita que me pregunta: "Eres cristiano?" Luego de un ratico pensando, respondí: "no, no, no, no soy cristiano". En ese momento me dí cuenta de eso. Y inmediatamente al decirle eso, sentí como ella comenzó a proyectar una energía negativa hacia mí... así que momentos después le pedí al que estaba al lado mío que me intercambiara puestos, aparte de que ella aplaudía muy fuerte y me interrumpía mi tren de pensamiento.
Estas fueron mis notas durante el evento...
Habló del:
Sentido de Llenura... Que el éxito no es la fortuna ni la fama... porque puedes tener fortuna y fama y ser o sentirte miserable... "Miserable" no es éxito
El éxito representa alcanzar los deseos del corazón
No es "querer ser rico"... es seguir los deseos del corazón...
Sentido de Gozo...
La persona promedio usa menos del 10% de su poder mental...
Mi comentario: Usar más de tu mente
La gente que logró el éxito tenía habilidad PROMEDIO
Deseo Promedio no es suficiente... hay que tener un Gran Deseo, una Gran Pasión... con Gran Deseo nada es imposible... la gente exitosa son los soñadores que son visionarios... No dejamos de soñar porque "nos ponemos viejos"
"nos ponemos viejos" porque dejamos de soñar
El caerse es parte del éxito
Debemos persistir
Con relación al factor clave del éxito: No tanto el dinero, sino la creatividad y las ideas
Hay miles de ideas para que las transformes en realidad
Mi comentario: Estudiar gente admirable
Las personas exitosas: Ellos nacieron con propósito. Ellos creen en ellos mismos.
Persiste... No dejes que nada te distraiga...
Lo primero que me pareció curioso es que Harold Finch no habla español, y durante todo el mini-seminario hizo empleo de un intérprete (persona que traduce lo que está diciendo la persona). Algo que me faltó decir es que la charla fue gratuita. Bien... nos dieron un librito llamado "Las Tres Llaves que abren la puerta al Gran Éxito" y nos dieron un bolígrafo. Al final del mini-seminario nos lo quitaron de vuelta... ahí me dí cuenta porque los bolígrafos no escribian tan claramente como unos nuevos. Al principio estaba sentado al lado de una señorita que me pregunta: "Eres cristiano?" Luego de un ratico pensando, respondí: "no, no, no, no soy cristiano". En ese momento me dí cuenta de eso. Y inmediatamente al decirle eso, sentí como ella comenzó a proyectar una energía negativa hacia mí... así que momentos después le pedí al que estaba al lado mío que me intercambiara puestos, aparte de que ella aplaudía muy fuerte y me interrumpía mi tren de pensamiento.
Estas fueron mis notas durante el evento...
Habló del:
Sentido de Llenura... Que el éxito no es la fortuna ni la fama... porque puedes tener fortuna y fama y ser o sentirte miserable... "Miserable" no es éxito
El éxito representa alcanzar los deseos del corazón
No es "querer ser rico"... es seguir los deseos del corazón...
Sentido de Gozo...
La persona promedio usa menos del 10% de su poder mental...
Mi comentario: Usar más de tu mente
La gente que logró el éxito tenía habilidad PROMEDIO
Deseo Promedio no es suficiente... hay que tener un Gran Deseo, una Gran Pasión... con Gran Deseo nada es imposible... la gente exitosa son los soñadores que son visionarios... No dejamos de soñar porque "nos ponemos viejos"
"nos ponemos viejos" porque dejamos de soñar
El caerse es parte del éxito
Debemos persistir
Con relación al factor clave del éxito: No tanto el dinero, sino la creatividad y las ideas
Hay miles de ideas para que las transformes en realidad
Mi comentario: Estudiar gente admirable
Las personas exitosas: Ellos nacieron con propósito. Ellos creen en ellos mismos.
Persiste... No dejes que nada te distraiga...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
(Español) Posible interés por la fotografía?
Este es un comentario que hice en un post de Chente Blog Viviendo la realidad, y escribiéndola al desnudo denominado "Solucionando el dilema de las cámaras"; y este es el enlace de referencia:
Hey que tal. Probablemente por ver (este tipo fotografía modelos y ese es su estilo de vida y su hobby) o por haber leído algo de tus escritos con respecto a la fotografía, o quizás el incentivo a tener una camara que hay en los foros... que me suena interesante tomar la fotografía como un nuevo pasatiempo.
Me gustaría bastante explorar un poco eso, y tambien tener a disposición más fotos de mí y mi ambiente, etc, etc, mientras más interesante se haga la vida mejor...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
(Linux) Convert *.wma files into *.wav
mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm -waveheader *.wma
I got this from:
The Linux Mp3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO
But I had to interpret the information...
I got this from:
The Linux Mp3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO
But I had to interpret the information...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Siempre tener un respaldo
Monday, May 16, 2005
Be interested to be interesting
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Decido vivir en abundancia
Saturday, May 14, 2005
(Funny) Unix Hell
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
(Funny) Happy Dance!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The History Of Rap
Here it is: A quick historical review from 1970 to 1997 of the most important happenings and breakthroughs in rap music:
The History Of Rap
Here are some words that made an impact from that site:
Lil' Kim:
"She Refused to be repressed by negative comments and feminists"
Busta Rhymes:
"That's just the nature of life. Life never stays at one level. There's no limit to things. I like to go where I haven't gone before. It's the best way to manifest my growth, to manifest it through music"
The History Of Rap
Here are some words that made an impact from that site:
Lil' Kim:
"She Refused to be repressed by negative comments and feminists"
Busta Rhymes:
"That's just the nature of life. Life never stays at one level. There's no limit to things. I like to go where I haven't gone before. It's the best way to manifest my growth, to manifest it through music"
Monday, May 02, 2005
What you see is what you get?
I'm starting to understand this...
I saw this movie where they were watching TV and learning all they watched. From that I understand that humans, we people learn from what we see. People are probably living with things they watched on TV.
I've been in talks about many interesting topics. I heard that people do not learn from what others try to impose them, people learn from what they see
This can be related to the basic principle of surrounding yourself with positive people, positive examples of living, people who are the way you wanna be, encouraging ones; to watch useful tv programs, avoid soap operas or anything with weak content; the importance of the tapes, books, music, videos that form your collection; to go to seminars...
When you can see things in your mind, that's one of the main points that you do learn.
I saw this movie where they were watching TV and learning all they watched. From that I understand that humans, we people learn from what we see. People are probably living with things they watched on TV.
I've been in talks about many interesting topics. I heard that people do not learn from what others try to impose them, people learn from what they see
This can be related to the basic principle of surrounding yourself with positive people, positive examples of living, people who are the way you wanna be, encouraging ones; to watch useful tv programs, avoid soap operas or anything with weak content; the importance of the tapes, books, music, videos that form your collection; to go to seminars...
When you can see things in your mind, that's one of the main points that you do learn.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
You can probably learn anything
One thought here is that you can learn anything, you just need the right guidance. If one book does not work, pick another one.