Monday, April 18, 2005

Speak Out What You Want!

Hey this is something really important and a real key for me...

I want to make male and female friends. I want to also be able to hand pick them and trash out the ones who do not fill my quota. Only positive and somehow constantly productive allowed! Today I heard some feedback on that, it's like: it's natural to socialize, you do not have to do anything special, just hang out!

I want a faster computer! a coleague told me about he might help me out with that

I want to travel more often. Let's say once a month. Idea: I could find a job that involves travelling often! Hey sounds great to me!!

I wanna speak russian! Hey this is something I've been sticking to for several years now. And I keep at it. I haven't given up at it, instead, I have now better info on how to get that done! And people, I ain't doin' nothin' if it aint no fun!!

I want Great shoes... some cool boots!!

I wanna keep a great haircut and not "lose it". It is my resposibility to keep my hair great.

I wanna play music with other musicians. I was chatting with someone about it.

Hey if you want something say it here!

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