Sunday, March 20, 2005

(Spanish) Libros Prohibidos

Esta semana las tiendas de libros de todo el mundo le están pidiendo a los clientes que compren libros prohibidos, no como un acto de subversión pero como parte de la celebración anual de la Asociación Americana de Librerías denominada “Semana de los Libros Prohibidos: la Gente Libre Lee Libremente.” El evento, que comenzó el sábado y durará hasta el 2 de octubre, celebra las libertades que provee la primera enmienda. “Como americanos tenemos la libertad de leer, y olvidamos cuan importante es esto”, Sarah Long, presidente de la Asociación Americana de Librerías, dijo

Los libros son prohibidos por una multitud de razones. Como dijo Judy Platt, directora de la Asociación de Editoras Americanas Libertad para Leer, a, la mayoría de los libros tienen algo que ofende a todos.” Tan sólo considera los libros actualmente prohibidos en partes diferentes del país. En Bedford, Texas, por ejemplo, el plantel escolar prohibió “La Sirenita” de Hans Christian Andersen, luego de decidir que es “pornográfica y contiene imágenes satánicas.” (La sirena es, después de todo, topless.).

También parte de la celebración de esta semana es la lista hecha por la Asociación Americana de Librerías, de los libros en las tiendas son más frecuentemente pedidos para ser prohibidos. Incluidos en esta lista: “Sé Porqué El Ave Encerrada Canta” de Maya Angelou, “Blubber” de Judy Blume y “De Ratones y Hombres”. Si eso no es ofensivo, entonces es difícil saber qué lo es.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Linux Tip: Quickly Resize All Images in a Directory

Go to This Link

You can risize png and jpg with that... Excellent, just what I needed for forums!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

(Spanish) Apatía del Espectador


¿Qué harías si, tarde en alguna noche oscura escuchases gritos afuera de donde estás? ¿Saldrías de inmediato, o irías a la ventana a ver que estaba sucediendo? Si vieses un hombre con un cuchillo atacando uno de tus vecinos, ¿Cómo reaccionarías? ¿Llamarías a la policía, o irías en ayuda del vecino? ¿O te mantendrías insensible al respecto? Y si fallaras en asistir a tu vecino de todas maneras, ¿Cómo responderías si alguien más tarde te preguntará porqué no ayudaste?

Antes de que respondas, considera los siguientes hechos. Temprano en una mañana de 1964, una joven mujer de Nueva York llamada Kitty Genovese estaba regresando a casa del trabajo. Mientras se acercaba a su puerta principal, un hombre saltó de las sombras y la atacó. Ella gritó e intentó defenderse. Porque gritó de forma sumamente alta, 38 de sus vecinos acudieron a sus ventanas a ver qué estaba sucediendo. Y porque ella peleó valientemente, le tomó al hombre casi 30 minutos asesinar Kitty Genovese. Durante este período de tiempo, ninguno de esos 38 vecinos acudieron a su rescate, y ninguno de ellos se molestó en llamar la policía (Cunningham 1984; Shotland 1985; Darley & Latané 1968; Takooshian & O’connor 1984).

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

No Hesitation Week

Let's try something...

Let's enjoy

Let's stop hesitating today...

Let's forget about that hesitation voice that always tells you not to do things...

Let's just do it, let's follow instincts, let's follow our drive, let's have fun, let's live upbeat, let's dare to do whatever comes to mind

Power of the Communication

An area I wanna improve on is the Power of my Communication. For example, the feeling I transmit as I say funny comments is very important. This is something I gotta fix is sometimes I think about someone who influenced me a lot who was basically a Dick, so he transmits a lot of negativity, he says things that are not funny, only to him and degrading to others on the long run.

So I gotta model someone who is positive, funny and transmits a great positive energy, so I get more people laughing... About laughs, it's important not to laugh at your own jokes before they even start laughing, cause they surely will if my mindset is about not asking their approval not asking them to laugh, just commenting on something I wanna talk about.

My Journal Part 001

Here I am sitting in front of the computer...

I'm wondering If I want women badly or not.

I think if I were, I did crazy things about it. But here I am, and there's a lot that gets me feeling happy. Lot's of hobbies and things to do. I also have goals.

I feel that I will be rich sometime, that's my fate.

I would like to overcome this negative thinking of "I could never make it into a good job..." I don't like that. I'd like to free myself from that. I'd also like to be more optimistic about my future on music, but I have to present myself to other musicians and let people hear my music. I write my own songs.

I want to be greater, I wanna accomplish great things for my life DAILY. to do TODAY something GREAT for my Life at the LONG-TERM. What can I do TODAY to imrpove my life in LONG TERMS of it?

I think I have this problem with overcoming obstacles, it's like i don't desserve to have really wonderful things. I desserve everything, and these things will come with my will effort and focus.

I want to really get started. What's important for me rite now is to start creating a new habit, with consistency. My idealism is to be doing it everyday so my skill improves and my self-steem too, as I do what I commit to do. I would like to be really excited about what I'm gonna do TODAY for my LONG TERM WEALTH... Today I'll do the things I need to do to improve my Long Term Wellbeing. What matters is I'm doing the things I need to do to improve myself and do what I feel I need to do. Be self-appointed.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Take what you need

Let's quote the book megaliving:

"Do not take personal development books as gospel. Read them and take whatever useful ideas you need. Every book has at least one tool or strategy of benefit. Take what you need and what works for you and discard what doesn't suit you."

So, you can take learning from any reading, and you can also discard what you don't feel as useful. Another thing I'd say is go and try something, if it doesn't click for you, try something else. For instance, maybe you can do a whole course on something, but if it doesn't click for you, you might not learn as much as if it really did click. And if you try something for let's say a month, and you do not feel improvement or it's not working out at all, it may be because it doesn't click for you.

The Best, Never Boring Online Chess SITE

I play at World Chess Network

It's always an adventure to play there the tourneys, blitz games. I feel a rush everytime I play 1 minute games. I also can play the different time limits, so I can play different kinds of games there. I can play with chess masters and view the newest games form the best chess tourneys out there, and also learn some great concepts about chess openings, mid and end game.

Click on that link, try it out, and enjoy it!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Participating and Retreiving inside Internet

This is marvelous thing... Internet... Interaction... Feedback... Most of the websites really improve because of the feedback they get. Or they get inspiration and encouragement from the comments they receive.

I just can get to a site, if I see something that can improve or has to be fixed, like a broken link, a page without content, an outdated page, I can contact them by email and they will surely give an answer.

It's great for example to request Linux versions for the Windows programs that you may want to use in Linux. Many can already run with the use of WINE As for example World Chess Network. I've requested linux versions of macromedia flash, shockwave, rosetta stone software, world chess network, and some more.

Besides, if you join a forum or an email list, you can give your feedback. It's important to know that what we have to say is very important, relevant and assertive. You can request new info, ask your questions freely.

This is something I'd like to explore, using the internet better and better. Having the most fun possible.

It's Great to Learn on The Internet

IT Really is great to be able to learn while sititng in front of the computer, there's more interactivity, and more resources to use.

For example, I'm studyin German,and I just found these exercises for the Themen Neu method I'm studying at my class. Here's the link:

This is great! Internet wasn't used to be THIS GOOD!!! It is really a TOOL to use at its best!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Perception and it's beauty

Having a great sense of perception about what happens around you is great. If you can view what happens and stay centered at what really happens, it's wonderful. Never attaching any negativity. Never.

I was thinking about that... How you perceive things and respond internally and/or externally can help you live a happier life.

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