Friday, January 13, 2006
Sexually-frustrated Star Trek and Star Wars fans sue Universal, ask for restraining order
Hollywood - The new movie “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” will hit theaters next week, but across America, real 40-year-old virgins say promotions for the upcoming movie make them very uncomfortable as friends and family members make comparisons to the film and remind them of the fact they’ve never gotten laid. The virgins have filed a class action lawsuit against Universal Pictures seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.
Stuart Brownfield (chat screen name: farscaperules23) is a 40-year-old virgin in Nashua, New Hampshire who filed the original lawsuit. He is hoping that the movie will bomb at the box office. “I work in an office (Office Depot) and someone saw the ad for the movie in the paper,” said Brownfield. “Then, this one guy I can’t stand in shipping turns to me and says, ‘Hey Stuart, this movie sounds like it’s right up your alley.’ Everyone started laughing. I was so devastated I couldn’t even watch the new episode of ‘Battlestar Galactica’ that night.”
Actor Steve Carell plays 40-year-old virgin Andy Stitzer in the movie. Andy’s never had sex. His friends consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three.
“People who have seen the trailer for the movie are now calling me ‘Andy,’” said an emotional Brownfield. “People at the office know that I’ve never gotten laid, but no one really said anything until these movie trailers and posters started appearing. My life has been a nightmare. I haven’t felt this bad since ‘Episode I.’”
“It’s not easy being a virgin, and I really feel for these guys,” said 42-year-old Stan Jennings of Cranston, Rhode Island. Jennings, who works at Industrial Soap Inc., finally lost his virginity last year while having sex with a prostitute who ended up giving him gonorrhea. “I am not a virgin anymore, and it feels great, although I do have some burning. However, being a former virgin, I empathize with those losers, and I think the movie should be stopped.”
Star Trek and Star Wars fans who have been feuding for decades have finally found a common cause in the lawsuit.
“We don’t think it’s funny to make fun of virgins, and we will use all of our powers to stop this film,” said 40year old Larry Nohan, the president of the Star Trek Milwaukee Federation. “This movie is a blatant attempt to humiliate us. Why can’t people just leave us alone with our Uhura porn and stop judging us?”
Lou Peters, a 39-year-old virgin and Star Wars fan from San Diego who lives with his parents, considers himself lucky.
“I’m so glad I’m still 39,” said Peters who wears a Stormtrooper costume on weekends while playing the “Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith” videogame online. “One year old older and I would be the laughing stock of my neighborhood.”My Pics from July 2004

These were taken in July 2004 right after I got my haircut... I had LONG HAIR
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Create You Victory Log (by Mike Brescia)
Chapter 19 of 'Today Is Your Day To Win'
Create Your Victory Log
Today's Empowering Quote
"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled
success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you.
Achieve! Achieve!"
--Andrew Carnegie
Today's Fast Session
Even though you don't want to live in the past, it can be
an invaluable tool to you.
Throughout our lives, every single one of us have had
times where we did something great, or at least really
good... someone gave us an approving glance, a promotion, a
new client. Perhaps we dated someone hot! Wedding day,
giving birth, scoring a touchdown, winning a medal. You
simply helped someone out that needed it. These events
made you feel good.
A very effective way to put yourself into a great mood any
time you want, especially at times where exceptional
performance is needed NOW is to create...
Your victory log.
A victory log is merely a sheet of paper that you have
nearby any time you need to be reminded of past successes
of ANY kind. By reminding yourself about your successes,
by pulling out that little sheet, you'll often be able to
go on and reach down and grab your greatest performance
ever even from the depths of despair. Often times, you
just need to be able to REMEMBER that you can do it, when
your thinking is really cloudy.
If you get depressed, pull out your Victory Log and you'll
feel a whole lot better. I absolutely guarantee it.
Yes, this is simple. That's why it works.
Do you think that the doers - the real winners in life -
are that much different than you? Mostly, with exceptional
people, they just keep their victories just below their
consciousness, so that magical confidence is right there
when they need it.
So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do this exercise.
Don't put it off. If now isn't good, do it later today.
It's easy. It's fun. And you'll feel great about yourself
when you're done.
And... you'll have it forever.
What a great gift to yourself.
Please take a few minutes and do this!!!! This silly
little sheet of paper can pull you out of the deepest hole
faster than anything you've ever seen.
Here's how. In the areas listed below we want to create a
big list of even the tiniest successes. I often look at my
list when I'm feeling not up to a task. Hey, no one can be
at their best all the time.
Write down just a few words to jog the memory so that when
you look at it, you'll know. Many people type these out
afterwards. Go back to as far as you can remember. Even
kindergarten is fair game.
Learning - tests, quizzes, semester averages, awards,
scholarships, I.Q., diploma. Include all grades and
The opposite sex - dated a "hottie," got the glance in the
mall, had a particularly romantic night/week/month, had 'em
all after you, summer camp, phone call, poems, cards, got
whistled at. Go back as far as you need to.
Sports (even backyard sports) - touchdowns, hits, baskets,
goals, blocks, double plays, great shots. Include board
games and cards, too.
Work - promotions, sales, raises, pats on the back,
contests, trips, saved money for the company, teamwork,
great days, winning, solving a problem, saving a life, got
elected, a finalist for the job, made the big sale, got the
Personal - convinced someone to a new way of thinking,
landscaping, painting, art, cleaning the house, new
clothes, great dinners, children in plays or sports, losing
weight, eliminating a bad habit, building/fixing something,
tuning up the car, new car day, new home, getting a
letter/notification, made dinner, helped a friend.
Social - kept your temper, you were elegant, gave a great
speech, the party was a success.
Health - cholesterol is down, stopped smoking, lost
weight, ran 100 yards/one mile/three miles, climbed the
mountain, changed your diet, walked by the chips in the
store, etc.
Do this for every area of your life. I have one for
kicking a 50 yard field goal. Don't you believe I'll ever
forget it. Not when NFL kickers have missed 30 yarders to
lose games!! But even the small ones like walking by the
potato chips today. That's a victory and shouldn't be
discounted. Because you were strong just then, and deserve
recognition. No one else is likely to do it, so you MUST.
Don't think little things are not important. They're
everything -- everything.
Watch during sporting events, when a player makes a
mistake and the other team scores as a result. Momentum
Because after mistakes they begin focusing on what went
wrong... instantly.
And the team that scored is focused on their scoring.
They're pumped up. Confidence rises.
You need that confidence, too, to do your best every day
and every minute.
So focus on what you've done right, and you'll develop it.
How can you do this?
Your Victory Log... the fastest way in the world to build
your confidence and increase your skills.
What if you had the same minute-by-minute thoughts as the
super successful? Mike Brescia has developed the ultimate
mental conditioning programs that can help anyone wipe out
intense fears and enjoy huge successes in all areas of
life. FR~EE details==>
FR~EE email course ==>
I love you all!!!